ZeWrestler and Iserlohn's Guide to Opinions - Part 1

What is the Opinion Section All About

Basic Question. The opinion section is here so that members of the org can inform creators of how they like the videos that member created. People leaving opinions should try to be helpful and let the creator know what was good and bad about the video, and how it can be improved.

Why would a creator want opinions?  The most common answer is that creators want to know what they did right/wrong so that they can improve for the next video they put out.

Why should I leave an opinion?  If everyone thought that they didn't need to leave opinions because someone else will, no one would ever get a review.

When should I leave an opinion?  Theoretically you should leave an opinion every time you download and view somebody's video (it's the equivalent of a 'thank-you card').  This includes when you didn't like the video, as creators need input from all sides.  No one will improve if they don't hear anything from viewers

Any exceptions?  Not really. Some people don't like to leave opinions for videos that already have 10 or so opinions already for fear of being redundant.  Whether you adhere to this belief or not is your choice. (Note from Phade: This will become a non-reason once the "suggestion query" is created, since it will be based on the opinions you leave.)

Part 2: How do I get people to give their opinion of my video?
