JOURNAL: Mkid (Malik )

  • LETS GO ON A GAY ADVENTURE 2011-08-25 22:55:32

    Me and my friend from class were messing around on iscribble, and we WENT ON A GAY ADVENTURE

  • Finally 2011-04-17 00:20:20 got the time,Inspiration,and most importantly A SONG to edit a full amv
    Should be out by 26th! 
  • Jr Prom 2011-04-08 17:52:09 HELL YEAH!, got a nice date, Nice tux,its gonna be fun,
    lol CANT WAIT 1 hour till im off! 
  • procrastination 2011-03-08 23:30:56 I feel ya gote
    GREAT IDEA but no motivation 
  • PROBLEMS!!! 2011-01-12 00:54:56 Well lately Ive been a pretty normal person well besides editing i guess... okay Ive been a normal editor. and now that i think about it, ive wanted to be a kickline(r) and when i told my mom she started ranting and raging about how she would catch a heart attack and she wont come support me at pepper rally (btw im gonna be a senior next year and if i make the kick line, imma balance kickline and football )so i was like w/e i got my brother and my cousin they're fine. Each day since like December she has been going on about how people are gonna think im gay (no one thinks im gay in my school) and i don't need that stereotype. Well my friends support me, my football teammates WILL support me and 1 or 2 girls on the kickline are cool with it. so today she told me "I would rather you drop out than join kickline" [i really wanted to start screaming,throwing chairs and punch her in her face for being sooo stupid] so you know what I DON'T NEED YOUR SUPPORT, and honestly even if i was gay that's still messed up, she has to love me unconditionally but i dont even want it any more.

    BTW (in my opinion)
    "Episodes" SUCKED sadly

    but to leave on a positive note Shameless was pretty good 
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