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Post by Dannywilson » Sun Dec 01, 2002 1:53 pm

Well I've seen all the stereotypes he listed, plus some other ones.

1. The fine as hell self defeating anime loving female, I.e. EK from big big truck prod, you know how she draws herself in Failed Experiments? Nuh-uh. "Schwing!" was the first thing that came to mind when I met her at AWA8. These girls are becoming more and more common to the scene.

2. The cosplayer that ate New York. People get me wrong, I don't hate all cosplayers. I hate cosplayers that shouldn't be wearing what they're wearing. There are all sorts of costumes out there, they have to wear the skimpiest. For some People, Skimpy = Good. Not these people. 'Nuff said.

3. The Know-it-All at the con dealer counter or anime/manga section of your local comics shop. He knows what color Lum's panties are in episode 45 of Urusei Yatsura, and he's gonna damn-well tell you if you pick up a tape of it.

4. The closet anime fan. This guy/girl is completely normal, except that he got hooked on anime through "Saturday Anime" on sci-fi or DBZ/CB/Gundam on Cartoon network. He now downloads or purchases all he can, while keeping it as a sort of "side hobby". This person Usually has a Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Significant other, and gets laid, but has a "Dark Secret". :wink:

5. The Old-Schooler. Usually has been watching anime for more than 6-8 years, and remembers when your local gamestop _DIDN'T_ carry at least 100 anime dvd's right next to the games. He remembers when it was hard to get tapes, and you had to be connected to your local "network of fans" to get anything other than Akira and Macross. He is somewhat like the grandpa or parent who is always telling you how he had to walk 10 miles in the snow, uphill both ways to get to whatever inane place he had to go.

6. The idiot who has a giant-out-of-regulations sig that takes 20 minutes to load EACH TIME ANYONE ELSE OPENS THE PAGE! Please rectify this Lethel. :wink:
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Post by UncleMilo » Sun Dec 01, 2002 3:09 pm

leathelanime wrote:Calm down Milo it's just a funny post....Unless you were seen at the movies that night...Maybe you were the Silent Bob type?
It's not JUST a funny post.

Perhaps we should tell some racist jokes, making fun of people of some ethnic groups...

There is a difference between humor and negative comments to help enforce a certain view or outlook.

Look at how much Japanese animation has permeated our society and yet there are many who still argue that all anime is just for kids.

I've been around longer than most of the people on this board and I have been an anime fan longer than some of you people have been alive. I have had to grow up with insults like that stupid piece of hate in the guise of humor several times over.

I know some of you just have no idea what I'm talking about.

Yes, there are fat, unwashed anime fans...
Yes, there are women who weigh 300 pounds and try to dress up as Sailor Moon

but I have been to many an anime conventions, the last few as a guest, and I have seen that the anime community is as wide and diverse as anime itself.

Maybe some of you are so insecure in your interests that you need to have a "them" to make fun of so you can feel more comfortable about yourselves...

you know... the ol' "I like anime, but I'm not one of "them"

but I can tell by people who say "Hey, Uncle Milo, it's just a joke." really just don't get what I'm talking about at all.

-Uncle Milo
There are two kinds of people in this world:
Those who divide people into two kinds of groups
and those who don't.

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Post by kthulhu » Sun Dec 01, 2002 3:24 pm

Somehow your sig and your last post have some relation to each other, I'm just not sure how.

Maybe I'm tutti loco?
I'm out...

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Post by mexicanjunior » Sun Dec 01, 2002 6:11 pm

UncleMilo wrote: but I can tell by people who say "Hey, Uncle Milo, it's just a joke." really just don't get what I'm talking about at all.

-Uncle Milo
Your seriousness towards this is frightning. :shock:

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Post by JustAnOrdinaryPanda » Sun Dec 01, 2002 6:26 pm

Uncle Milo, you obviously have a security problem if this is bothering you that much. I agree, there are stereotypical nerds like that, and yes I agree, its a tiny fraction of the anime fandom. But comparing it to racism!?!? Talking about the hardships you've faced, as though the anime fan has been enslaved by the 'cool person' and there was a day where anime fans had to use different water dispensers from normal people. :roll: Give it a break.
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Post by SarahtheBoring » Sun Dec 01, 2002 11:24 pm

JustAnOrdinaryPanda wrote:Uncle Milo, you obviously have a security problem if this is bothering you that much. I agree, there are stereotypical nerds like that, and yes I agree, its a tiny fraction of the anime fandom. But comparing it to racism!?!? Talking about the hardships you've faced, as though the anime fan has been enslaved by the 'cool person' and there was a day where anime fans had to use different water dispensers from normal people. :roll: Give it a break.
The newb speaks truth, but then you think I'm evil anyway for saying that Japan is a country just like every other country - so I know you won't listen, what's your name... Milo.

However, those of us with a little more perspective can just shrug off the troll-man up there with a "Well, he doesn't know anything about the fandom so of course all he sees are broad-stroke stereotypes. He's a jerk. Oh well, world's full of 'em."

Perspective... wow. Must be one of those three-dimensional things. ;)

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Post by fyrtenheimer » Sun Dec 01, 2002 11:31 pm

UncleMilo wrote:.

But look at the sports nuts who beat the shit out of each other and vandalize the neighborhoods. I was reading in the paper about how one sports team beat another in a college football game and the fans went nuts, rushed into the field and broke one of the Goal posts!!

I mean... who sets the standards here?
yah, that was ours


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Post by Flint the Dwarf » Sun Dec 01, 2002 11:34 pm

Hmm... I think Milo does have a point though. Whether the person knows anything about it or not, it shouldn't be shrugged off so easily. Well, it is by a lot of people. But for some people, it really is insulting. What he brought up about racism is true. Those people are generally very ignorant (I'm not stereotyping here) and don't have any reason to be racist. But they can be very insulting. Sure, that's different because it's something you were born with and not something you can change. But the mentality behind it is the same and it really doesn't give anyone the right to be insulting. I'm not bothered by this, but some people don't take lightly to these things if they can be interpreted as something other than a joke.

And plus, you're all teaming up on Milo here. We're all a big family. Can't we all just... get along?
Kusoyaro: We don't need a leader. We need to SHUT UP. Make what you want to make, don't make you what you don't want to make. If neither of those applies to you, then you need to SHUT UP MORE.

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Post by Chaos Angel » Mon Dec 02, 2002 12:52 am

I found the whole thing to be degrading and heavily biased. I pity the person who wrote it his narrow opinion range.

I hate sterotypes in any form, personally. They brush aside individuality and try to force people to be this way or that way, trying to tell them that they cannot be who they choose to be; they must be this or that or they are not people.

I've met some very interesting people browsing comic book and anime racks. Several times, I became engaged in conversations with people who immediately shattered my preconceived notions of them.

I loathe stereotypes of any form. Period.
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Post by Chaos Angel » Mon Dec 02, 2002 12:55 am

Flint my friend, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but people will always have different opinions, world views, and methods of expression. As long as there are people who are unwilling to accept these differences, it will be impossible for everyone to get along.

Peace is not possible as long as people are unwilling to embrace differences of opinion.

Feel free to disagree with me. ^_^
Fragile and Frail | Summertime

I'm not a vegetarian because I enjoy eating cute animals.


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