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Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:00 pm
by Corran
How about the videos that the creator prevents people from rating digital effects can be what a script looks for when classifying a simplistic video?


Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:26 pm
by dwchang
Corran Productions wrote:How about the videos that the creator prevents people from rating digital effects can be what a script looks for when classifying a simplistic video?
Although you have a good point and easily implemented solution, I still don't think this will be that great of a solution and I know you'll disagree Ian, but I think Phade has a point. For my video nominated for "Best Instrumental" (Circle of Conflict), I didn't click the "Effects" tab, but I know that some would definitely say it's not "simple" purely because I do some blurs on the text and some (very simple) masks.

Same goes with my drama/romance nomination, "Glory of Love." It has two (even more simple) masks in it and one could say that using the Black & White filter at the end is also an effect and yet I didn't click that tab since I think it is pretty far off from "effects-dominated." Should it still be considered? I'd like to think so and if you've seen the video, hopefully you'd agree. It seems the reviewers agree with my choice and enjoy the simplicity of it ;).

As Phade said, what is simple? Who can define that? If we leave it up to the creator to choose that tab and base the nominees on that, there's still a good chance people will disagree and say that video XYZ isn't simple.

At the same time, I'm not saying there isn't a solution here, but I don't think this will be a "fix-all," but nice try. Can I also recommend that this portion of the thread (from AbsoluteDestin's reply on "Excellence in Simplicity") be moved to the "Site Suggestions?" It doesn't seem as relevant to this thread and I imagine whoever originated it is a big angry.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:28 pm
by dwchang
Corran Productions wrote:How about the videos that the creator prevents people from rating digital effects can be what a script looks for when classifying a simplistic video?

One more thing I forgot. Yes I realize that Phade's description of the score specifically says "other than just a cross-dissolve" (my friend), but well...I still didn't click it. Oops! I'm sure I'm not the only on who hasn't included effects in their video that has more than cross-dissolves. I'd like to think people would agree with my decision here and I imagine if I had the "Effects" score on those two previously mentioned videos, I'd have pretty low scores in them or people just downright abstaining from scoring it.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:36 pm
by Corran
dwchang wrote:As Phade said, what is simple? Who can define that? If we leave it up to the creator to choose that tab and base the nominees on that, there's still a good chance people will disagree and say that video XYZ isn't simple.
As it is now a user can choose the categories their video falls into anyways. I always though IWIWAL to be a pure comedy/fun video.. not a character profile. Same with the horror category as shown in this thread. As it is with the current system, the creators choose what their videos should be defined as. Of the videos you mentioned I would personally classify them that way too.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:41 pm
by AbsoluteDestiny
Corran Productions wrote:As it is now a user can choose the categories their video falls into anyways. I always though IWIWAL to be a pure comedy/fun video.. not a character profile.
It's not a character profile - I selected that as a joke. However, people just vote for their fave vids in everything they can so you really need some sort of automatic filtering to weed out invalid entries otherwise you'll get any old thing being nominated.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 6:03 pm
by Flint the Dwarf
I don't know, it could be a character profile... :roll:
dwchang wrote:I'd like to think people would agree with my decision here and I imagine if I had the "Effects" score on those two previously mentioned videos, I'd have pretty low scores in them or people just downright abstaining from scoring it.
Well... that's true. But if people would score like they're supposed to (which won't happen) and not worry about the amount off effects but how well they are used then you wouldn't get low scores. :? That's how I always score effects anyway.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 6:09 pm
by dwchang
flint_the_dwarf wrote:I don't know, it could be a character profile... :roll:
dwchang wrote:I'd like to think people would agree with my decision here and I imagine if I had the "Effects" score on those two previously mentioned videos, I'd have pretty low scores in them or people just downright abstaining from scoring it.
Well... that's true. But if people would score like they're supposed to (which won't happen) and not worry about the amount off effects but how well they are used then you wouldn't get low scores. :? That's how I always score effects anyway.
No, I 100% agree with you there. I grade the same way. In fact, for the award this year (Best USE of Special Effects), I am thinking the same way and thus the obvious contender isn't as obvious imo. Unfortunately, like you said, most people don't do this and well..I stil don't classify those videos as "effectsy" or whatever. It's a moot point since I can't modify it and it's not a big deal.

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2004 6:14 pm
by Flint the Dwarf
Well... keep in mind that the "effects" box isn't a further way of classifying the video. So it doesn't need to be "effectsy." It's part of the scoring. So even if you have one effect, it deserves a score.

Re: I JUST DONT KNOW!!?!?!?!!!!?!!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 12:00 am
by mexicanjunior
wolf_hunter wrote: Anger Management - this video is so wrong...............IT SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN MADE!!!!!!!!! PH34RRR!!!!!! :o

Bleed The Sky - while i realy wouldnt consider this horror/terror rather more action it does have vampires/blood/editing WEEEEEE!

Haunted - editing GENIOUS this is. song flows with the anime, the transitions *ENVY* and u just gota go o when u watch

Mitternacht - ITS FUCKING MITTERNACHT!!!! wats not to luv :D :twisted:

Variations of D Minor - i didnt expect a video this GOOD to be done to this kind of metal music. and when he goes "this....IS....HELL!!!!" i shivered, true story
Although I like all these vids, Anger Management is in a class by itself to me. It definitely gets my vote. :up:

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 1:38 pm
by kmv
dwchang wrote:As Phade said, what is simple? Who can define that?
How about where "simple" means it could be accepted as a commercial video?

Ian Roberts in Noir #7 Omake - North wrote:Commercial videos are very different to regular amv work. First of all, due to complicated copyright issues, I could only use cuts and fades. Digital manipulations of various kinds are prohibited by the western license.