The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

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Re: The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

Post by Xophilarus » Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:12 pm

Here are my reviews ^^ I don't think I missed any.

103 – Really cute Disney matchup, and you have some REALLY nice match cuts in here. I wish you had just stuck to 2D animation Disney because all of the 3D animation really feels out of place and jarring, and the slide transitions don’t look very good either.

111 – Awesome angsty free video with a nice blend of swimming and character development/other drama. Effects are also well done for the most part. My main issue is sometimes the camera movement looks a bit awkward in some parts, but for the most part it is done really well.

117 – Cute video. Wish there were more amvs with the source. Scene selection is pretty decent, but there are parts where the sync and pacing could have definitely been better.

135 – Fantastic combination and scenes are really well chosen for the most part. The lip sync feels a bit on the weaker side though.

154 – The song and movie combination had a lot of potential, and there were a few moments with solid sync, but for the most part it kind of just felt like one scene cut up in some places to make it shorter. It made the video feel dull rather quickly because nothing really changed up in it. Also, PLEASE learn to export files so they are reasonable sizes because this was kind of insanely huge xD.

164 – The combination is great, and the scenes are also done really well. Lip sync is not perfect, but it is definitely above average. My biggest problem with it is it is just so short and cuts off kind of suddenly.

172 – The more upbeat moments of the video fit really well, and are done really nicely. I don’t think the drama scenes fit, however, you honestly probably should have just tried to find a way to cut them out since they don’t fit the mood of the song. Overall this is nice though.

178 – This is done really well considering the limited amount of footage, but there are parts where I wish there was stronger sync never the less. As a whole though, I did definitely enjoy it though, especially being a fan of the game.

182 – Combination was pretty good, but most of the video felt taken up by just two different scenes, which made hard to get truly invested in.

185 – Pretty nicely done fan trailer (the voices did a pretty decent job as well), and you show the right kind of scenes at the right time. When the instruments kick in, I do believe you could have picked up the pacing and intensity a bit but overall it was pretty solid.

204 – I enjoyed watching this one a lot. The sync in it seems a lot stronger than most live action videos, and you do a nice balance of drama and the action. I feel like some of the pacing in places could be faster, but over all, no big issues.

278 - Interesting tech demo

282 – Pretty solid Ghibli video over all with really nice scene selection, but I wish there was a bit more internal sync and the crossfades here don’t look really nice.

308 – I have not even seen the show, and I can tell how well this works haha so I definitely found a lot of entertainment out of this video. Some of the scenes didn’t really fit in my opinion, for example, most of the ones that involved people getting shot, but really nice video overall.

310 – Not bad with a pretty good sense of pacing. The source combo definitely works well. I really feel like there could have been more effort with the sync here though because it feels kind of lose during most of the video.

314 – The best thing about this video is the fact you use a lot of scenes that aren’t used a lot in Your Lie in April vids, and you make it about their relationship rather than her being sick so awesome job there. I feel like you should have had subtle camera motion in more scenes to help with the pacing and flow a bit since some of the clips felt flat due to the lack of native movement, and the ending also comes kind of abruptly. This was definitely a cute and nicely done video though.

326- The atmosphere in this video is AWESOME. You do a great job at portraying the creepy vibe of this movie, and the editing itself is also nicely done. My only big issue is I don’t really like most of the crossfades in it but overall, great video.

352 – Pretty solid action video with really nice sync. I feel like the TV effect is overused a bit, and there is also a yellow line that keeps appearing on the edges that I find pretty distracting. Overall, super cool though.

383 – Pretty good combo. For me, the pacing and sync was very hit and miss throughout, as some parts felt really strong while others really didn’t match the impact of the song.

387 – This one is super rad, and the sync is really good so awesome job. The effects were used fantastically for the most part. I like the idea of the lip sync, but I feel like a lot of the mouth movement was off a large amount of the attempts. The live action also felt sort of odd to me because it would always surprise me when it came up. I feel like to make it work you should have used it a bit more often. Really liked this a lot though.

404: I definitely love this. I like that you used some bloopers as well as other times they were messing around on the set. The sync and scene selection overall is also really solid so awesome job :DD Part of me wishes there was a section to where it suddenly turned bloody, but like I said, it is lovely as is to.

406: Nice solid edit with a good blend of action and drama. Some of the types of scenes, such as head turning, get a little repetitive but overall awesome job.

410: Hmm, not really feeling this too much. The combo doesn’t seem to work with the anime super well, and you did some awkward gender flips that were a bit distracting as well and lip sync was also pretty off. It wasn’t terrible or anything, I just couldn’t get into it.

423 – The pairing made it kind of hard for it to stand out, but the editing was pretty nicely done for the most part. Sync could be tightened up in a lot of places though and the blacks are a bit harsh

436 – Nice tone and scene selection. I feel like the technical aspects of the video could have been better, for example, ken burns would have helped a lot as well as bing careful about the crossfades and lipflap. Pretty solid idea though.

442: This is one of my favorite videos of the contest. The sync is awesome, and all the scenes seem to fit really well. My only gripe is there are quite a few ugly crossfades, but other than that, just love this video.

459 – Cute idea but goes by way too fast to really allow me to get invested in.

471 – Really enjoyable video with great scene selection and really nice pacing. Some of the lip sync is a bit off, but nothing ruins the video for me.

473 –Adorable video with fitting scene selection. I haven’t seen this, but I ship them from this video. Lip sync is really strong in some parts and not so in others but definitely passable as a whole.

480 – Funny short commercial ^^

485 – Pretty solid retelling of the movie. The scene choice is really lively and fitting to the song. I believe the sync could have been stronger, but it was pretty decent for the most part. The problem is, the video felt fairly standard, and sort of like every other Tangled video I have seen. That being said, it was a well put together video.

487 – This was pretty decent for the most part. Sync and scenes were nicely done. Didn’t like some of the crossfades and the ending felt a little weaker though.

501 – Props for trying to do a pairing not normally done with the source. The video, however, feels kind of dry and stale. In the future, I would recommend you use ken burns or something to help bring motion to scenes that otherwise wouldn’t really have movement on their own.

506 – Song choice is great, and I definitely feel the spirit of Baccano in this. The pacing feels really slow though so the video gets kind of dry quickly. Some subtle camera motion would have really helped.

520 – Character combo works as far as theme, but not really in execution in my opinion. One big issue is the fact they are different genders, which makes it a bit distracting. You also have a lot of scenes drag out as well.

523 – This was adorable oh my goodness! I adored this video, and I really enjoyed the feeling within it, and the chemistry you could feel between the two characters. This is definitely a strong contender for best romance. A few places felt a tad slow that made me wish there were a few other things going on, but I only feel this in a few places.

524 – This is really sweet sauce. The lyrical sync is really good, and I found myself enjoying this quite a lot, and there were also a lot of sweet internal sync moments as well. I feel like the beat sync in the middle section of the video could have definitely been stronger though.

542 – The idea is amusing, but other than that, there wasn’t much that really got me invested. The lip sync was pretty weak, and there was this awkward blend of not being able to tell if it was trying to be serious or funny.

548 – The combo is cute, but the problem with this is the show is not really dark enough to bring an element of feeling the original commercial did not so it ended not being super impactful to me. You did nice with the source though, and picked fitting scenes.

581 – Nice video and pretty solid story telling. The scene selection is strong, but some of the long zooms on a scene feel kind of awkward, I think it is because they are a bit too strong.

584 – Really do not like the intro stuff, and it took me a little bit to get back into the video. Other than that, sync is really solid so awesome job on that, but it is a bit too much of an endless stream of fight scenes so it ends up feeling a bit dry after a while.

586 – The problem with this video is it almost feels like you just downloaded some of Lollgerjoj's videos because a lot of the sync and effects are almost identical. Even if the effects work was done yourself, even though it was good, it still feels like a knock off those videos.

588 – The story is adorable and the scenes are really nicely chosen. In the not biking parts though, I really wish you added camera motion because those parts felt flat and kind of dry.

592 – OK, this idea is super cool and has a LOT of potential, but unfortunately, the execution is really off. Especially once you started throwing Clannad in there, and did crossover scenes because the masks were done really messily. It was also kind of hard to tell what was going on a lot of the time since the focus kept jumping around. Again, the idea was cool and I applaud the creativity, but I really wish the execution had been fleshed out better.

603 – Really nice live action video. You did great with the energy and storytelling. Some of the crossfades were unflattering, but that was my biggest issue with it.

604 – Idea was creative I suppose? But the joke gets old super fast and I found the video pretty dull honestly.
608 – This was cute, and there were some nice creative uses of sync in here. I really think you should have used some subtle camera movement during a LOT of the video because it made a lot of scenes feel flat. Super adorable though.

611- Amusing idea and video with decent sync, but it did not really do much else for me.

613 – Song was interesting, but I couldn’t tell if this was suppose to be silly or serious, and I think it is largely because of the song mashup. Storytelling was good, but the sync and pacing felt a little weak.

615 – Liked this one a lot. The combo was great, and it was a solid Over the Garden Wall video with a nice darker twist on the show. I wish it was a tad shorter, but it didn’t go on long enough to drag either. Also, nice drowning Greg scene.

623 – This was extremely well done. The sync and pacing are on point, and this was really enjoyable to watch. I don’t really like the talking food stuff, but I can’t say it wasn’t amusing either.

626 – Love the atmosphere in this. I greatly enjoyed this one, and it got me wanting to finally watch this anime LOL. Anyways, really nicely done. I wish it was a little shorter, but the stuff here is really nice regardless.

641 – The appropriate amount of angst is here, but other than that, honestly, I don’t really like this video. The sync is fairly weak, the pacing doesn’t really fit the song, and the camera at the beginning is really not good looking. You should also avoid crossfades with songs like this.

656 – Song works well with the anime, and the sync is pretty decent throughout. Some of the technicals and transitions could be a lot nicer though.

668 - Probably the best Metropolis video I have seen. Honestly, most of the video is spot on, and the emotions are definitely hard hitting in this one. My biggest issue with it are the blurs get really excessive at times.

674 – Cute idea but you use the same scenes WAAAY too many times so I end up feeling like I watched the video 3 times during each viewing.

679 – Super adorable idea with great scene selection. I definitely enjoyed watching this a lot. There are a lot of technical issues though such as awkward transitions and weird mouth issues as a result of concealing lip flap or to accomplish lip sync, but it was still a really enjoyable video as a whole regardless.

690 – A pretty decedent attempt at a cosplay music video. The only big drawback is some of the scenes you were in, like the café, tended to take me out a bit.

696 – This became glorious once I realized it was about DDR type games xD. Sync is also pretty decent. A lot of the crossfades aren’t great though.

704 – The mood and scenes are pretty good, but the color correction really makes the video look visually unappealing. It also feels fairly under paced and synced.

771 – Ha.

773 – This feels just really slow, and it was kind of hard for me to be able to get into it. I feel like you should have tried to listen to the song a lot more.

779 – Felt like an episode recap and didn’t have much going for it.

803 – Amusing character profile, but could have used ken burns

820 – I really wish you had kept with the idea in the first 30 seconds because the other sources you end up using don’t really flow well together

844 – Probably best in show. This video was just fabulous, and is highly entertaining. Awesome job.

879 - Fairly amusing and solid trailer. I do not have any big issues with it, but it is on the shorter side.

889 – The combo feels sort of awkward for me because I found a mixture of drama feels and borderline humerous feels so I’m not really sure how the video was suppose to feel.

895 – The combination is good, and there are a lot of emotional feelings here, but the technical are extremely sloppy.

913 – Good combo but the sync and pacing don’t really match up with the song

925 – I appreciate the joke here, but the video goes on too long.

949 – Best vid

957 – The video takes way too long to get going, but I wont lie and say I didn’t cheer when the ship took off.

964 – Shows both sides of a conflict not addressed in videos much, and the atmosphere is pretty solid. The sync could be stronger in places though, especially in the middle.

966 – Probably best action in my opinion. The energy is really great, and the sync is pretty strong throughout the video. It also encompasses the insanity of the anime beautifully. There are a few really awkward transitions though.

977 – Nice upbeat video about character that aren’t going to be alright at all being alright. Sort of wished they all died at the end.

987 – Cute Disney romance that was edited together really nicely. Some of the lip sync and crossfades are awkward looking though. As a whole though, really lovely and great feeling romance video.

999- Really solid video. It felt a bit long to me, but I definitely enjoyed it as a whole.

EDIT: I missed 308 and 436 and 278 just added them.
Last edited by Xophilarus on Tue Sep 22, 2015 3:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

Post by BecauseImBored1 » Mon Sep 07, 2015 11:56 pm

Editors come to the review thread be like

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Re: The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

Post by CrackTheSky » Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:03 pm

Is there any reason the video titles aren't provided anywhere? This has always kinda driven me nuts...

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Re: The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

Post by Kireblue » Tue Sep 08, 2015 1:08 pm

CrackTheSky wrote:Is there any reason the video titles aren't provided anywhere? This has always kinda driven me nuts...
The titles can sometimes give away the identity of the editor

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Re: The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

Post by MaboroshiStudio » Tue Sep 08, 2015 8:37 pm

Here are my random thoughts...

103 :) cute but had issues with it... especially the Guardian of the Galaxy
111 :) refreshing FREE video that it is different and well made but had issues the level of zooming / camera motion which I found to be motion sickness inducing
117 cute but had issues with the sync / flow
135 I found the Katy Perry stuff funny
154 a bit linear
164 not a fan
172 don't like the song
178 :up: not bad but felt the sync could have been better
182 so cheese...
185 Not bad... the audio level of voices was too much / distorted and the sync needed to match / build up better.
204 had potential but had issues with the sync / flow
278 I could not do this animation...
282 :up: :up: I like how it was different from the standard Ghibli tribute and great song / scene selection #thefeels
308 :) Really liked this outside of the intro audio of Pinky and the Brain / scenes which didn't work for me
310 Not a fan of some of the effect / overlays but not a bad video...
314 had issues with the pacing / flow often but enjoyed this still
326 :up: THE BEES!!! Wish the sync / flow was better but still dug this creepy video... it needed audio of someone saying "JOIN US"
352 :up: motion sickness... tv effect wasn't necessesary... still really liked this video
383 not bad
387 :up: trippy cool... the live action tho seemed out of place
404 :up: awesome but the one note joke got a bit stale by the end
406 :up: enjoyed this a lot
410 didn't really get into this and felt the editing could have been better
423 Not bad just doesn't set itself apart from all the other Kill la Kill vids
436 didn't connect with this
442 :up: really dug this... the rap portions shined
459 so bad... but bad on purpose... so awesomecore
471 :) Didn't see that coming but took too long to get there... enjoyable tho
473 I hated this song when I first watched the movie... this video didn't change that feeling
480 :D wow!
485 like the song and source... had some great and some weak parts
487 8-) this is happy uplifting chrome...
501 very slow pacing / scenes... not my cup of tea
506 :) really got my attention out of the gate... lost some steam tho
520 well made have no clue what it was... action? not a trailer to me...
523 :) very cute... great song... not a fan of all the effects tho
524 :up: really dug this one
542 :) great concept enjoyable but a bit longwinded...
548 :cry: dang... *hugs my daughter* and why did you put TEXT at the end?
581 not bad
584 :twisted: DAMN SON!
586 :idea: effects effect effects visual masturba... lol cool from a tech standpoint
588 not feeling it
592 didn't connect for me
603 |:> :up: :up: this is so CHROME!!! Go Cap! Go Cheese!!! VAHALLA AWAITS!
604 :shock: :up: fun...
608 :D enjoyed this
611 |:> :D :up: :twisted: WOW! so chrome... and great use of effects at the end!
613 not a fan of the mix up song
615 :? :up: so weird... so intrigued... wtf did I just watch?!? #dugit
623 :up: :up: yummy... wow that was amazing
626 the song was a bit difficult to get into... not bad
641 #indifferent
656 :up: love the pairing!
668 didn't connect for me...
674 :) cute / cheesy
679 :up: enjoyed the derp
690 I heart larping
696 :rofl: "not ghetto enough... but I enjoyed the concept but the song should have been shortened...
but that happy ending!"
704 not bad
771 wtf just happened?
773 the sync needed to be like the title
779 love this song... not this amv tho
803 :) made me laugh
820 I hate this song with a passion... enjoyed some of the effects
844 |:> :up: :D love the pairing - ahhh the comic book gimmic... well done but wish you set it up even more when the characters were looking at the comic you the effect was present. One of my favs
879 :twisted: Awesome trailer... where is this school and those Boobs are so shiny & chrome
889 didn't get it
895 tech issues... liked the idea tho
913 I liked the fact it was a different Kill la Kill video... lost steam as it went on tho
925 :rofl: :up: This SHIT just raped my ears and eyes! Awesome... *claps*
949 :asd: #micdrop #ballz
957 #oldschoolanime long buildup... the intensity never seemed to pick up tho
964 dug the song / feel a lot and the funky quick jump editing in various parts of the song... sync / flow issues in some parts but kept my interest
966 :up: :up: #hellyeah
977 :D #fun enjoyed this
987 :) #heartwarming
999 :) #efffup not a fan of the hyper sped up footage but enjoyed this video
Last edited by MaboroshiStudio on Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

Post by UnluckyArtist » Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:18 pm

This is my first time really participating in this, last year I had one entry that got DQ'd but not before I got some needed criticism. I was kinda upset but it was the push I needed to try harder in quality. A year later hear I am, playing with the big kids. Now I don't watch a whole lot of amvs, I probably watched more this weekend than I have all year. And I can honestly say that these were some of the best I've ever seen, you're all very talented and I'm happy to be apart of this.

So hears some casual yet thoughtful critique. Personal favs have pizza.

103 – A nice Disney tribute, saw you slipped Guardians in there. Good parallels, the slide effects actually helped with that. Not my thing but I’d show it to any D fan or anyone interested in fanmade music videos in general.
111 – A Free mv with character focus! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one.. good.
117 – Liking the animation, so storybook like. Tells a story that needs to be told.
135 – Another good character profile right off the bat, I’ve never seen Free but now I’m thinking it’s actually really good because of the character development
154 – Music kinda fits the source. I really need to rewatch the movie on blu-ray, 4k style. Not bad, but it’s not very detailed or reflective of what happens in the movie.
164 – Uh, interesting o.O, is that what Kenneth Burns looks like?
172 – Lion King was the first great movie I ever saw, or remember seeing. The footage looked great here, but after his dad dies it cuts straight to him having a jolly good time, too soon lol
178 – Lol’d at the Woca Floca voice, song fits though. It kinda lost the gaming flare towards the end, but this is League of Legends?? I wanna play it now. I had no idea.
182 – Held my interest because it’s a Japanese power ranger like show. Funny how it’s the same old Pendulum song used in a previous vid. Halfway through - uhhh something needs to happen real soon. Starwars on wheels now.. okay NOW it picks up, only to end.. rip
185 – Hmmm nice concept but the audio mixing wasn’t right
204 – Wanted to not like cause of the song, I feel it’s overused AF, but it kept my interest, movie looks good like it actually does the anime justice. Felt like the source quality could be better.
278 – Oh yeah, the new. Sleek. 2016 Nissan eH15, cool little engineering vid. Would drive.
282 – Gotta have one good Ghibli tribute, it’s like 103 except with anime & more action.
308 – Lol at first, then.. nah
310 – Pretty neat, it flowed, wasn’t too long
314 – It’s.. one of those sentimental YliA videos
326 – There’s a nice haunting 70s cult mood all over this, the fact that someone spent time on this creeps me out, which is good cause it made me feel something
352 – Got a cool murder dinner party vibe, I’d need to know more about the anime to get the story behind it, I got it on my ‘plan to watch’ list
383 – :pizza: Best 2000s era vid, took me back to the days when I didn’t know that I liked anime and fall out boy
387 – :pizza: (i think) My media players can’t seem to handle it. From what I could see, great mood, probably the best example of psych cause of the stinging audio and the creepy robots
404 – You have to be a pretty big GoT fan to even know how this would work, and somehow it worked
406 – :pizza: Enjoyable and a great fit w/ the music. I was gonna watch the anime at some point but now maybe I don’t have to.
410 – Dude is on his back a lot.. idk but there has to be some better trailers out there to use for angel beats
423 – Not bad, pretty typical though
436 – Quite sad, the female version of the song worked well, a great character profile
442 – :pizza: Nice scene choices, great upbeat non-anime vid
459 – Neat idea, kinda funny
471 – :pizza: You can feel the careful work put into this lol, sources work very well
473 – :pizza: Entertaining & cute
480 – I feel like he’s talking to me, wood vote
485 – Great looking footage, looks like it does well summarizing the whole movie (haven’t seen it), adorbs
487 – :pizza: Has heart, you feel it beating throughout
501 – Held up the mood/focus, isnt she suppose to be sad though?
506 – Feels about right, jazz age troublemaking couple. Pacing went off towards the end, footage looked pretty flat
520 – Don’t like the voice, the time theme had potential but it didn’t quite play out. A lot of it felt kind of thrown up there
523 – Very dreamy & cute, I dug the textures and shape work
524 – Entertaining, the animation style works well for the vid. I need to watch this.
542 – :pizza: Interesting twist on the war film, the girls make it funny but it still holds up to a certain seriousness. Gotta respect it. Can’t say I would want to see the movie though.
548 – Her voice sounds pretty loud but it’s very touching, at the end I cried
581 – A thorough romance, old school but it hits you right in the feels
584 – :pizza: Beginning voice was kinda awkward, the rest was pretty cool. Bonus points for being the one hip hop amv
586 – Either lolli is making a tribute to himself or someone figured out exactly how he works. Either way it’s unoriginal.. and kinda lame. Sure it looks cool but.. what else can you do?
588 – Is this the bike anime? Lol at the knuckles the echidna lookin guy. Probably the most friendship-ish vid here so far. The song ended up feeling bigger than the anime cause “see you again” implies a goodbye to someone, the anime looks like they’ll all be seeing each other again after the race.
592 – The first half was a good tragic character profile but then there was a drop in quality... and lots of reused footage, makes me wonder. Also, editing in a character from another show for sentimental/romantic value is very risky
603 – Nice Captain America video, the song didn’t seem ‘American’ enough for a Cap tribute, it actually reminded me of other countries and their music.
604 – Where in the world is this going? Oh. Okay. A nice WTF video for ya. A certain level of patience and boredom was needed for this.
608 – Dude knows what he wants. Not bad, you made it work.
611 – Boing, Boing, Bounce. Um. Decent video, kinda funny. The graphics at the end were the best part
613 – Couldn’t tell if serious, the mashup of those two songs is wack to me. Should’ve used either Smashmouth or Linkin Park, not both. Other than that it’s a basic Homura video
615 – Dig the cartoon, the spooky old aged vibe is there. The cuts are too frequent throughout most of it, could’ve been smoother, more atmospheric.
623 – :pizza: The bangin upbeat food wars video I’ve been waiting for. Shoutout to meatwad.
626 – Pacing is on point, I gotta watch this, looks epic
641 – Reminds me of myself when I first started. Not yet, young padawan
656 – Better quality than the other Baccano one, less of a story teller. Still felt right with the time period
668 – I’ll never get use to the huge noses the artist tends to draw on the mad scientist characters. A great story teller, well edited
674 – It’s about Ash’s caterpie lol. There’s lots of reused clips, probably ran out of stuff to use for one pokemon. It would’ve worked a lot better if it was about all Ash’s original pokemon as he says goodbye to them
679 – :pizza: Pretty & cute yo, and it’s two sided that’s a plus
690 – I imagine this is what the live action movie is like. The cosplayers did a great job and for what it’s worth it’s a great CMV, nice job on filming and editing
696 – At first I was like, damnit why butcher this song with this b-movie nonsense. Then I saw the joke, so pretty good. But don’t make everyone sit through two-thirds of the vid before showing it..
704 – Liked it, mood & music felt right but there was a lot of extra lighting/color effects, you didn’t really let the aesthetics already in the anime speak for itself, felt like you were fighting it
771 – Laaaaaame
773 – Did not do the movies any justice story wise, there’s a ton of good story in the fast n furious franchise, you only used the first two movies but still. This was just a car video. Might as well had set this to the Sonic X theme song.
779 – Who the hell is zack hemsey? This gave me nostalgia actually, of watching the show and editing it to hip hop.. Lots of poor choices here but there are worse SC videos out there.
803 – What? Maybe he doesn’t belong here..
820 – Oh wow a Fall Out Boy song that hasn’t already been edited with a hundred times. Enjoyed it but focus goes in and out.. it’s good, bad, easy to follow and confusing all at once, but then again so is the song lol
844 – :pizza: Best Uptown Funk amv obviously. Really good work here, I know it wasn’t easy to pull off so smoothly. However it’s almost 5 minutes of the same thing, stuck really well with the theme though.
879 – :pizza: Awesome Grindhouse trailer
889 – This anime makes me sad. Wolf.
895 – Such a decent sentimental/romance vid but you should’ve tried a better way to add the old clips in without hurting it too much
913 – Not your regular KLK vid, it had some heart
925 – Seems like an inside joke with too much build up
949 – At least I know where to find the sound effects
964 – :pizza: I really liked the mood, some of the pacing felt too fast, chill out and just let it flow
966 – :pizza: Great pairing & flow, it’s your usual action video with flare
977 – :pizza: How fun. I think you have to see most of the anime here to get how funny this video is.. most of these characters come to a very unfortunate fate. I lol’d at the blood C twins. Unlucky approves.
987 – Nice quality Disney footage, the focuses are clear. Too lubby dubby for me to handle
999 – A foreign story vid full of youthful adrenaline, pretty cool, the whole movie was condensed in this so it was kinda long

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Re: The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

Post by Warlike Cygnet » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:24 pm

These reviews are all heart-felt and trolly ^^.
:dino: for ones that I like.
Spoiler :
103 - Malory: It's like if you've ever seen Jackie Gleason dance.

Pam: Is that a compliment?

Malory: I don't see how it possibly could be

111 - Leela: I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside where it can fester quietly as mental illness
Fry: Yeah, I do that with my stupidness.

117 - Rudi: I'm gonna dress you up like a little gnome and just have you live in my garden.

Woodhouse: I would like some new clothes.

135 - That Guy: There are two kinds of people: sheep and sharks. Anyone who is a sheep is fired. Who is a sheep?
Dr. Zoidberg: Errr, excuse me... which is the one people like to hug?
That Guy: Gutsy question. You're a shark. Sharks are winners, and they don't look back because they have no necks. Necks are for sheep.

154- Moto: We don’t even have your damn car! We steal drift cars! Imports only!
Pam: Right-hand drive, duh

164- Louise: It’s four lame boys who dance. There’ so much more out there in the world.
(Bob’s Burger)

172 - Leela: Animals eat other animals. It's nature.

Free Waterfall Junior: No it isn't. We taught a lion to eat tofu.

Lion: *cough* *pause* *cough*

178 - Hermes: Get ready for fun, Fry. Nowadays, we have a type of game played entirely on video.

Leela: We call it a "video game".

Fry: Uh, "video game" you say? Well, golly gee, you mighty spacemen of the future will have to show me how it works.

182- Gillette: Oh, rocket launchers. My car is slowing down for no apparent reason. Just must be out of... carburetor

185- Krieger - First of all, it's Dr. I'll Solve Your Ant Problem.

204- Archer - After he literally stabbed me. In the back!

278 - Calculon: The year was 2019, and I was just a lowly robot arm working on Project Satan, a savage, intelligent military car built from the most evil parts of the most evil cars in all the world. The steering wheel from Hitler's staff car. The left turn signal from Charles Manson's VW. The windshield wipers from that car that played Knight Rider.

282- Lana: What are your three biggest fears?

Archer: Getting stuck on a boat with you three times.

308- Brain: Pinky, are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?
Pinky: I think so, Brain, but can the Gummi Worms really live in peace with the Marshmallow Chicks?
(Pinky and the Brain)

310- Bender: If robots can't go to heaven, heaven can come to us!

314- Rick: Listen, Morty, I hate to break it to you but what people call "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed.
(Rick and Morty)

326 - Bender: I say the world must learn of out peaceful ways... by force

352 - Archer: You swallowed a pool ball?

Pam: I wish just one and I still got two to go.

383 - Malory: It's good because it's cocaine!

Archer: Oh my God, and little kids eat it!?

387 - Archer: The point is, we are highly trained covert operatives with an extremely dangerous set of skills. And since the government has unjustly accused us of treason, we are now forced to transfer those skills from espionage to criminal activity. Kinda like the A-Team. But we sell drugs.

404 - Rick: This isn't Game of Thrones, Morty.
(Rick and Morty)

406 - Archer: He died doing what he loved...getting shot.

410 - Japanese Soldier: You cannot shirk your duties!

Archer: Yes, I can. I do it all the time

423 - Tina: Your ass is grass and I’m gonna mow it.
(Bob’s Burger)

436 - Tina: I don’t need a boy to pay attention to me, I’ll pay attention to myself.
(Bob’s Burger)

442 - Guru Pathik: Third is the Fire chakra, located in the stomach.
Aang - My Fire chakra would like to eat something other than onion-banana juice.
(Avatar: The Last Airbender)

459 - Marv Albert: Ladies and gentlemen, something very strange has just occurred in this basketball match between space clowns and atomic monsters.

471 - Woodhouse: One by one, the last surviving member of the double duece are being... murdered.

Archer: Oh my god.... are we out of Bloody Marys?

473 - Cheryl: Do anything fun this weekend? Because I sure did. Friday night was cornhole league and then on Saturday...

Malory: If I cared what you do on the weekend I'd stick a shotgun in my mouth and pull the trigger with my toes.

Cheryl: Saturday I watched a building burn down.

480 - Rick: It's a figure of speech, Morty! They're bureaucrats! I don't respect them. Just keep shooting, Morty!
(Rick and Morty)

485 - Mr. Meeseeks: Well he roped ME into this!
(Rick and Morty)

487 - Archer: Whoop! I’m spooning a Barret 50. I could kill a building

501- Archer: Lana, I'm in love with you.

Lana: You are also shitfaced.

Archer: I can be both.

506 - Linda: I’ll be Al Capone with breasts
(Bob’s Burgers)

520 - Professor Hubert Farnsworth: So many loves half-loved. So many inventions half-invented. That damn time machine alone set me back fifteen years.
Dr. Zoidberg: If only it'd work, you could go back and not waste your time on it.

523- Goo Jun Pyo: I was passing by when I saw an ugly little girl. I called your name to check.
(Korean version of Boys Over Flowers)

524 - Morty: Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV?
(Rick and Morty)

542 - Cyril: I couldn't hear you over the sound of this gigantic freakin' tank!

548 - Archer: Lying is like 95% of what I do.

Cyril: In your job?

Archer: Sure.

581- Archer: Lana, am I just now coming out of a coma from when I drowned saving your life eight months ago?

584 - Rick: There is no god, gotta rip that band-aid off now you'll thank me. later.
(Rick and Morty)

586 - Rick: Don't break an arm jerking yourself off Morty.
(Rick and Morty)

588 - Malory: This isn't my first Grand Prix you know.

592 - Morty: You're talking about Inception?
(Ricky and Morty)

603 - Fry: Wow! A superpowers drug you can rub on your skin? You think it would be something you'd have to freebase.

604- Junior Asparagus: Ah. Who are you?
Bob the Tomato: I'm Bob. I'm a tomato, and I'm here to help.
(Veggie Tales)

608- Captain Zapp Brannigan: Leela! How could you? Our love has had to endure your constant hatred, and now this?
[whining] Stop testing our love!

611 - Tina: I Have a complicated relationship with Zombies. They’re dangerous but I love their swagger.
(Bob’s Burgers)

613 - Cyril: Nothing is over! Nothing! You don't just turn it off!

615 - Greg: I can leave a trail of candy from my pants!
Wirt: . No. Though I am lost, my wounded heart resides back home, in pieces, strewn about the graveyard of my lost love.
(Over the Garden Wall)

623 - Archer: Without pepper corns, it's not steak au poivre. It can't be. By, like, definition.

626 - Cyril: Why is your instinctive response to run towards explosions?

641 - Murphy: Ignore me. Sorry, I’m dying.  Crushed by an off brand drink machine.  Oh my god, just like that old gypsy woman said!

656 - Archer: I’ve always wanted to fight on top of a moving train.
Bilko: Well, if I know my boys, you might get your chance, big guy.
Archer: Thanks, Freddy Foreshadowing.

668 - Bender: I wanna aks it a question! As a robot living among humans, I've never really felt accepted at parties or nude beaches. So I've always secretly wondered: What if I was 500-feet tall?

674 Amy: This is hard! Now I know why butterflies are always so grouchy!

679 - Tina: Time for the charm bomb to explode.
(Bob’s Burger)

690 - Archer: Who would want to wear an on-fire suit!
Lana: Cosplay enthusiasts!

696 - Gene: No move is forbidden except the forbidden move.
(Bob’s Burgers)

704 - Louise: You could sell your soul. I did, and look at me!
(Bob’s Burgers)

771 - Tina: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
(Bob’s Burger)

773 - Lana: Wow, so, how much did Dodge kick in?
Malory: Not as much as you'd think.

779 Rick: I'm sorry, your opinion means very little to me.
(Rick and Morty)

803 - Rick: Y-y-yo-you're a little creep! You're a— You'r-you'r-you're just a little creepy creep... person!
(Rick and Morty)

820 - Pam: Have you tried cocaine?

844 - Rick: He's gonna get to the ship and smash the microverse, and then he's gonna kill us!
(Rick and Morty)

879 - Archer: Hm? Sorry I was picturing Whore Island.

889 - Archer: Archer: Where's Lana?

Krieger: I'm not even 100% sure where I am right now. (gets shot with a tranquilizer for the 3rd time by Archer)

Archer: (to tranquilizer gun) You are my new favorite thing

895 - Naruto: Believe it!

913 - Archer: Well, look on bright side.
Lana: Which is?
Archer: Which is what?
Lana: You said look on the bright side.
Archer: It’s a figure of speech.

925 - Archer: Terms of Enrampagement

949 - Dr Zoidberg: Your Music is Bad and you should feel bad

957 - Commander Drake: This mission will be dangerous.

Archer: Would you say we’d be venturing into a zone of danger?

Commander Drake: Well, yes. Obviously.

Archer: But I mean, how would you phrase that?

Commander Drake: I. The zone will be one of danger?
Archer: No I mean not if you say the thing different. Forget it. Nevermind. And you nevermind. And also, shut up.

964 - Wirt: We -- I must be going now to join the band.
Greg: Wirt, drum me!
(Over the Garden Wall)

966 - Archer: Seriously, call Kenny’re in the DANGER ZONE!

977 - Lana: Oh, so suddenly you don't have a death wish!

Archer: Lana, I've never had a death-wish, it's just that I don't believe that I personally even can die.

987 - Cherlene: You can do unspeakable things to and/or on me!

999 - Rick: All we have to do is go out and find us some kalaxian crystals.
(Rick and Morty)
Last edited by Warlike Cygnet on Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:05 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Warlike Swans
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Re: The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

Post by Warlike Swans » Tue Sep 08, 2015 10:42 pm

Finally finished reviewing the videos. The overall quality this year was really good. :up:

I probably should go through and make sure I didn't say anything too mean or abuse grammar too egregiously... but I'm so lazy just now.
Spoiler :
103. This video has numerous technical problems. The scene selection and pacing are good. Transitions are questionable.

111. I feel ambivalent toward the effects in this video. They are well executed, well synced and constant in style, but they are also somewhat overwhelming. Scene selection and musicality are good. Even though I think the effects go too far, I really liked this video.

117. This video is lovely. It’s an excellent pairing, and approaches a sensitive subject without over dramatizing it. Editing is simple but effective.

135. It’s a respectable comedy video. Sources work together. Scene selection is mostly strong, but makes the filler stand out more. I realize a stylistic choice was made to not make the non-free content look native, but it wasn’t super attractive.

154. This videos suffered from pacing issues.

164. Short. Cute. Lip syncing is mixed quality.

172. It’s a good video. Some parts are polished and perfect, but there are number of sections with rough edges, too.

178. It’s really not bad; the sync and pacing are good, and there’s logic to how clips ere categorized. I think it really needed either a central concept or much more involved manipulation to make it compare favorably to the materials it drew from though.

182. Most of it is too slow. It does highlight the charmingly B quality of the show nicely, though.

185. Including the Viz logo is something that could potentially be trouble. If this was fan dubbed, it was done excellently. The scene selection for the first half of the video was great, and pretty solid for the second half too. The lip sync needs tightening, and the lip flap needs to be removed.

204. Understanding the balance between full amplitude action sequences and quieter interludes is an important component to editing an action video. This video identifies the right time for the quieter interludes, but they aren’t edited as well as the action. Definitely makes me want to check out the movie.

278. Well that certainly took skill. Hard to judge among AMVs/FMVs.

282. Scene selection generally good, flow is only ok, sync is mostly good, but there’s not much of a concept here.

308. Clever concept.

310. The flow is good, sync is good but doesn’t hit as much as it could. I wish there were more scenes to help the audience emotionally connect to the characters.

314. Stylistically a standard romance AMV, though the execution is above average. The scenes bounce back and forth between night and day too much, and I wish there were longer vignettes and more focused of storytelling.

326. Elegantly executed, pairing is pretty genius.

352. Minor issues: some of the the clips and pan/zooms are too fast, text at the end isn’t handled well. It’s still one of the strongest videos in the contest; dark and stylish.

383. Editing was decent, but there’s not much to the concept and the video felt long.

387. The effects are not very tasteful. There’s a lot of missed opportunity for sync. I get that the live action is part of the concept, but it just didn’t integrate. The concept is otherwise good and the video is never boring.

404. Cute. Relies heavily on outtakes. Some of the color correction resulted in over-saturation & heavy red tones. It’s clever and fun to watch though.

406. Fun, but unpolished.

410. Mediocre lip sync, very mediocre text, otherwise a decent trailer

423. This video uses good pacing to disguise approximated sync. Aside from sync the technical are good, visual flow is good. One of the strongest action videos.

436. Different spin on Watamote than most AMVs with it. Good concept. It seemed like the girl went from lesbian to straight inexplicably partway through the video, which confuses me. Could use some gentle camera movement added throughout.

442. It’s a fun video. There’s a lot of clever scene selection and sync here. There’s places where it looks like adjustments to the video speed or selective cutting left choppiness in movement. Video sometimes felt too quickly paced.

459. That was silly.

471. Clever. Scene selection is consistently good, but until the “course by course” transition video felt like it was dragging a bit. (The payoff at the end is great though.)

473. It was ok. Scene selection is mostly good, but filler was noticeable. Voices didn’t really suit the characters, but maybe that was on purpose.

480. I’m still voting for King Bradley.

485. There’s a lot of little flaws that still need to be ironed out; stutters, jerking pans, and an orphan frame. There’s also a plot hole after the guy’s arrest. Otherwise a decent video, song worked well with it.

487. It’s well executed, but I question the pairing.

501. Not bad. The story-telling is clear and the scene selection is pretty good though the expressions aren’t always right. It would have been nice to have shots of the blue-haired girl for emotional reaction during the part describing her more successful rival. The scenes linger a bit too long, and needed some pans/zooms to maintain dynamics.

506. The pairing is fantastic. This video felt like it was the work of newcomer. The pacing is about right, though it’s not actually synced well. The scene selection is generally right, but aside from the lack of sync, there is also a lack of flow. I think getting a decent beta tester would benefit this editor a lot.

520. This would have been so much better with a gender match on the voice/main character. the lip flap needed covering. The sync is mixed, though there are some really nice sequences in this.

523. One of the best romance videos I’ve seen for a long time. The stars/snow particle was a bit much. Might have softened some other effects as well. One of my favorites in the contest.

524. Mixed bag. Some of the scene selection was very good. The flow was generally weak. The pacing was good for the slower parts of the song, but during the faster segments it often lagged. More internal sync would have helped as well.

542. I’m confused. Aside from the gender swapped voices this video was played pretty straight. Are we supposed to ignore the dissonance of the voices or find it funny? (I could do neither.) Ignoring that it’s edited well enough. Some of the best lip sync in the contest.

548. Not bad. Didn’t really strike the chord it was intended to, but the scene selection was on point. I liked the layering of the audio. A few subtle effects and pan/zooms would have helped this. The cross fades were sometimes unattractive.

581. The storytelling was very good, and I did end up feeling sympathetic to the redhead. The editing wasn’t always dynamic enough to compensate for the low-key anime.

584. Pairing is good. A song like that really cries for impeccable and extensive sync, and this video just wasn’t at that level, though there were a number of things that were synced beautifully.. The dialog in the beginning also isn’t handled well.

586. Did not like.

588. Had nice friendly feels. Unfortunately all the cycling scene felt really monotonous. Wish it had been shorter.

592. The general concept of this video is good, but the construction of it was not. The girl should not be presented to the audience in the beginning as part of the band playing the song. The cross-over bf cannot just suddenly and shockingly appear mid video. The cross-over scenes also required much more finesse to look natural.

603. I enjoyed it. Some of the overlays (especially at the beginning) were in questionable taste, but overall it was a fun video.

604. You know, a lot of those vegetables are actually fruit, right? This looks like an editor who could have made something better decided to fill a timeline in 3 hours, and then threw some produce on top of it.

608. The show didn’t seem energetic enough for the song.

611. The jiggle sync in the beginning is pretty good. The sync during the choruses is generally weak. Some of the scenes chosen are too dynamic for the much. The masks at the end are sub-par. Length is right.

613. If more scenes from there mundane lives had been used, especially in the beginning and during the verses this concept might have worked. Not sure. It’s a weird pairing, and it just wasn’t pulled off convincingly.

615. That was a weird video. Good storytelling. Editing could have been more dynamic at times.

623. Clever and well executed. (Little gross at times.)

626. Great pairing, nice patience with the slow sections. The musicality could have been better during a few of the more dynamic parts of the song, but I liked it over all.

641. Those zoom transitions are just unfortunate. Expressions are well chosen. Under synced for an action video.

656. That was fun. Short and sweet.

668. I liked it. I wish the storytelling were as clear in the beginning as it was in the end. Video is a bit too fast paced in the beginning for the song. Overlay was unsubtle and left up too long. All the emotional notes were hit well.

674. Go walk your pet lobster.

I liked this video despite myself, and despite the some sadly recycled clips.

679. Effects are a mixed bag. Pacing is good. Concept and scene selection are good. Some of the fast cuts are poorly chosen flow wise (too dissimilar compositionally and too dynamic). Over all a fun romance vid.

690. Props for doing something different. I think lack of control over lighting was one issue in filming. The shots of the actors when they’re moving slowly, with either neutral or serious expressions tended to work the best. Did not understand the storyline if there was one.

696. More attention needs to be paid to compositional elements during fast cuts. Text in the beginning did more harm than good.

704. Good. Could have used more camera movement and attention to transitions and less intensity on some of the color effects. Pairing is excellent.

771. I don’t know if I should hate you for subjecting me to that noise or thank you for blowing it up.

773. There is a song. There is video. The don’t relate to each other much.

779. Interesting approach. The effects are awkward.

803. Too fast at times. Doesn’t balance between silly and serious quite right.

820. Decent MEP.

844. Too hot-- hot damn!

879. Did not understand the distortion effect on the end title card. Well edited. Right length for the concept.

889. Disappointed. The beginning of the video made me think that the concept was a PTSD veteran. Then it just wasn’t and confused me.

895. The footage needed to be prepped better. Not a fan of the Naruto audio mixed in.

913. Frame blending is unfortunate. Not bad otherwise.

925. The excessive name dropping is awkward, and doesn’t add to anything comedically. Integration of original assets doesn’t look native. Scene selection is good.

949. Very one note.

957. This a very slow video. Not much attempt at sync. Not a very exciting narrative. Lip flap.

964. Clear narrative. Good scene selection & stylization. Some of the jump cuts are a bit jarring.

966. This video has some slick editing. The shaky cam with the speed of the clips is sometimes overwhelming though.

977. Concept is clear. Pacing is good. Older sources and the one game did not blend well with the others. Ok video.

987. The thing I don’t like about various videos like this is that their impact relies on the audience already being emotionally connected to the characters. I’d much rather watch a video that focuses on one couple. That said, the editing is pretty solid, scenes are well chosen.

999. Too much motion blur. Video is quirky, and has a cool vibe, but some of it is just too fast.

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Warlike Swans
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Re: The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

Post by Warlike Swans » Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:37 pm

For people who want a list of the video file names to compare to the reviews:
Spoiler :
103 - Walk the Moon - Shut up and Dance - Various Disney.

111 - USS - Shipwreck - Free!

117 - Maria Mena - Viktoria - Horo Musuko

135 - The Arogant Worms - Billy the Theme Park Shark - Free!

154 - Pendulum - Granite - Mad Max Fury Road

164 - Boyz 4 Now - Secrets, Bob’s Burgers - Ouran High School Host Club

172 - Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run - The Lion King

178 - Waka Flocka Flame - Game On (feat. Good Charlotte) - League of Legends

182 - Pendulum - Granite - Kamen Rider

185 - Ant-Man - Trailer - Sailor Moon Crystal

204 - Startset - My Demons - Rurouni Kenshin

278 - Panda Eyes, Teminite - High Score - Original Animation

282 - Rachel Platten - Fight Song - Various Studio Ghibli

308 - Richard Stone, Tom Ruegger - Pinky and the Brain - Breaking Bad

310 - Sixx A.M. - Stars - Evangelion

314 - Taylor Swift - Enchanted - Your Lie In April

326 - Mediaeval Baebes - Kilmeny - The Wicker Man (1973)

352 - Panic! At the Disco - Let's Kill Tonight - Death Parade

383 - Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're Goin' Down - FLCL

387 - Rockwell - Childhood Memories - Ghost in the Shell

404 - Pharrell Williams - Happy - Game of Thrones

406 - Supercell - Hakushu Kassai Utaawase - Katanagatari

410 - Warner Bros. Pictures - Edge of Tomorrow Trailer - Angel Beats

423 - Fall Out Boy - Phoenix, the - Kill la Kill

436 - Michelle Branch - Creep - Watamote

442 - Macklemore, Ryan Lewis - Can't Hold Us (feat. Ray Dalton) - Avatar The Last Airbender (TV)

459 - Space Jam - Trailer - Kuroko's Basketball, Peace Eco Smile

471 - Beauty and the Beast - Be Our Guest - Kuroshitsuji

473 - Spongebob Squarepants - F.U.N. - Yuri Seijin Naoko-san (2012)

480 - Tom Guild - Commercial Audio - Various

485 - Mumford and Sons - Lover of the Light - Tangled

487 - Bastille - Laura Palmer - Mad Max Fury Road

501 - Idina Menzel - I'm Not That Girl - Toradora!

506 - Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox - Bad Romance (feat. Ariana Savalas, Sarah Reich) - Baccano

520 - League of Legends - Ekko - Madoka Magicka

523 - Glen Keane - Duet - Nisekoi

524 - Bleachers - I Wanna Get Better - Tatami Galaxy, the

542 - FURY - Trailer - Girls und Panzer

548 - MetLife Hong Kong - My Dad's Story - Usagi Drop

581 - Scratch21, EileMonty - Strangers - Kimi ga Nozomu Eien

584 - Vinnie Paz - Slum Chemist - Magi

586 - Cryptex, Kraddy - Slay It, Heart Anthem - Various

588 - Wiz Khalifa - See You Again (feat. Charlie Puth) - Yowamushi Pedal

592 - Boyce Avenue - Broken Angel - Various

603 - Sabaton - To Hell and Back - Captain America

604 - Mr. B The Gentleman Selector - Vegtables - Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon

608 - Walk the Moon - Sidekick - Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

611 - High School Musical - Get'cha Head in the Game - High School of the Dead

613 - Smash Mouth, Linkin Park - All Star in the End - Madoka Magica

615 - Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra - Gloomy Sunday - Over the Garden Wall

623 - Jessie J - Bang Bang (ft. Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj) - Shokugeki No Souma, Koufuku Graffiti

626 - Susan Calloway - Answers - Shingeki no Bahamut

641 - Linkin Park - Faint - One Piece

656 - Benny Goodman - Sing Sing Sing - Baccano

668 - Hurts - Help - Metropolis

674 - Wiz Khalifa - See You Again (ft. Charlie Puth) - Pokemon

679 - Gregory Brothers, the - Herp De Derp - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun

690 - Lorde - Everybody Want to Rule the World - Attack on Titan (Live Action), Cosplay

696 - Survivor - Eye of the Tiger - The FP

704 - Of Verona - They Will Fall Like Roses - Madoka Magica

771 - Imagine Dragons - Radioactive - Attack On Titan

773 - Element Eighty - Broken Promises - Fast and Furious

779 - Zack Hemsey - Teachings of a Ronin - Samurai Champloo

803 - Diego Luna, Gustaco Santaolalla - Creep - Excel Saga

820 - Fall Out Boy - Uma Thurman - Various

844 - Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk (ft. Bruno Mars) - Space Dandy

879 - Reform School Girls - Trailer - Prison School

889 - Apollo Brown - Sound Of Guns - Jin-Roh

895 - Me vs. Gravity - Safe and Sound - Naruto

913 - Halestorm - I Am the Fire - Kill La Kill

925 - Trevor Moore - Ballad of Billy John, the - Legend of Black Heaven, WataMote

949 - Sonsedebarcelona, LoojengaSound ( - Effects - Your Lie in April (1)

957 - Tommy - Higher and Further (feat. Perturbator) - The Wings of Honneamise

964 - Gabrielle Aplin - Heavy Heart - Hibike! Euphonium

966 - Celldweller - Good L_ck (Yo_'re F_cked) - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

977 - Barenaked Ladies - Odds Are - Various

987 - Safetysuit - Anywhere But Here - Various Disney

999 - Rammstein - Mein Land - Tekkon Kinkreet

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Re: The AWA 2015 Professional Awards Video Review Thread

Post by BecauseImBored1 » Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:05 am

103 – You had some nice scene selections in this vid and can feel the heart. The instrumental part was super fun. The crossfades and swipe transitions were a bit jarring though. Some smoother fades and some slow panning on the clips could improve it a lot. Galaxy really didn’t belong there.

111 – Really smooth transitions and pretty camera motion. Also some really cool overlays and effects. I loved the serious take on Free! I wish the change from verses to chorus had some stronger clips though to really capture the drama. The verses are super strong and powerful so would love to that carried over in the chorus. Overall, really well done.

117- Sooo yeah I really liked this for a slow vid. Great mood and scene selection; however, the pacing throughout the vid is pretty similar all the way and would love some more variation. I hope one day his buldges will finally be even.

135- So super fun idea and is very fun to watch in a crowd. A lot of nice scene selections and some nice sync. The add-ons are a bit jarring but I assume it’s for comedic effect. Wished for a bit smoother editing but like I said super fun in a crowd.

154- Those are some long scenes you got there. I don’t see much of a connection between the visuals and the song. The part with him breaking free from being branded was a nice scene. Felt kinda flat though, might have been the song and source combos fault.

164- hahahaha that was fun. Good paring and fun lyric sync throughout. Watched a few synced part again and again because they were so fun. The color overlays were a bit much some and some of the lip sync seemed off. And careful with those slide in masks.

172- Dat intro is synced very very well for Disney. Had some nice scene selection in places (like1:07) but told the story very linearly except that jump to Can’t wait to be king which seemed out of place but nicely paced.

178- Loved the literal sync used at parts (like the unruly children and stuff like that). I like the mood the song created for the League but might have been a bit to0 ambitious with that source, it lacked a lot of sync throughout. (had a few nice parts but they were quick)

182- Strong disconnect between audio and visuals. Felt like one long clip most of the time.

185- If that’s fan dubbing well done ladies. Some of the clips were a bit long and didn’t feel like how a trailer would look. Quicker clips of more impactful scenes might have been a better option. Good choice of audio lines to set the mood though. Some pans might have helped give the video more overall motion.

204- Has some really good moments in it but also drops off at places. For instance the beginning is super strong but it loses some heart as it goes on. Maybe a shorter version of the song would have allowed you more room to keep up momentum and emotion.

278- What the heck. Guess that’s cool but really not the kind of vid for this contest.

282- There are some really nice parts that connect well but there are a lot of others that just seem placed as filler. The crossfades were a bit harsh but not over used. Some of the nicer points would be : 1:04 -1:22, 1:30 is my fav, the breakdown was a bit weak but the mood change at 2:23- 2:47 worked well then fell off again.

308- GENIUS!!! Don’t even watch this show and like its perfect. Some strong scene selection at the beginning but followed by some random clips then back to good selections lol.

310- Intro has a nice feel. The TV sim and overlays seemed out of place. Action parts lack sync and crossfades jump out at you. The slow parts are a lot stronger than the action sequences. The action could use a bit more internal sync and what not.

314- I appreciate the change of pace for a Your Lie In April amv. Really cute scene selection at the beginning , but there was no change in pace between the slow and fast parts. The crossfades and color changes between scenes come across kinda harsh.

326- That was like super creepy. Blur dem crossfades. This created a really odd sensation that something would eventually jump at you. One of the more successful live action vids though it’s not much to my taste.

352- Super cool source combo but the sync doesn’t feel like it fits the music pace. The black static was a cool effect but over used and covered too much of the amv.

383- Feel s like every FLCL amv I’ve ever seen. Would love to see some internal sync to bring some more life into the video and some change in pace throughout the song. More sync like at 1:47 -1:50 would really do the trick.

387- A lot of cool sync and color things you have going on here. There are some parts that the effects were super cool looking then other parts where they felt kinda generic. It’s a cool experience at first but not really re-watchable

404- Kinda liked it at first but then just turned into a smile clip show. I’m sure this is more of a fan fav vid but I didn’t connect with it at all. Would have been nice to see some variation in the clips.

406- Nice mood and story telling. The slow parts were a nice example of good scene selections but I wish the intense part had a bit more going on with some internal sync. There were a lot of really strong beats that were just looked over or covered by shots of people’s faces. The pedal thing at the end was very nice though. Really liked the sync at 1:14 with the house and wish you did more internal sync like that.

410- Overall the concept didn’t seem to fit well together. Should probably avoid hard crossfades and lip syncing girls to boys voices unless its for comedic effect. Considering the concept you did go with, there was some nice scene selections but it just doesn’t seem like a combo that should go together.

423 - The scene selection seemed really random with no connection to the song. Like it started out with her on the stairs and then the slow part was her on the stairs as well. The first “put on your war paint” was nice though. Some lip flap and weird masks like between the leg masks but there was some nice ones as well like the hand clapping and the ultimate skirt mask. Would suggest trying to set a mood in the slow part about what the action is about and then going HAM with internal sync for the chorus next time.

436- Might want to try some blur or something on crossfades, or avoid them all together but the intro was a nice set up. Once the words you continued to do that beat sync scene change on every beat @_@. That work nicely for the intro but once the song actually starts try to throw in some lyrical flow and internal sync to give the video variation. Not a bad idea overall though.

442- First off I love the verses so much!! The chorus however seemed really all over the place and lacked visual flow. A lot of jarring fades and no focus point to go off . One of my fav vid but really struggled with the chorus and wish it was as clean and well synced as the verses.

459- I don’t really get the combo but the editing was nice and the faces used for the cartoon voices were really fun. So the editing was well done but the concept just seems a bit of a reach.

471- Yes! Love when things end in blood. Very fitting scene selection for this anime lol. Nice transition scene to the dark part, though the editing was a bit sloppy. . A lot of defocused parts could use some work and the lip sync at places as well. But I love a happy dark amv.

437- Well I mean its been done before but its kinda cute. The plankton scenes are fun but the Spongebob scenes just lack that special something to make it a strong vid. Enjoyable to watch though.

480- That page swipe and crossfade hurt a bit but funny vid I think.

485- Faded to 100% black toooooo quickly. You did a lot of nice scene selections and some literal sync at parts (like beginning). Your use of facial expressions really matched the lyrics and mood . Also noticed some internal sync you don’t see often in these kind of edits. Pretty nice edit of this source just careful with those fades to black they really bring you out of the mood. Some pans out on slow scenes during dramatic parts never hurt either.

487- Some nice things happened in this. The crossfades though really jarring especially when they were like fighting against each other and some of the fade to blacks were too much. The vid had a lot of intensity and feels from the start to 0:50 but then during that intense part of the song they fell off and slowed down. Would be nice to see some variations throughout the vid. The overlays near the end worked way better than I would expect them too XD normally hate overlays but they look really nice.

501- Awww that was a cute combo. Some nice scene selection with her facial expressions. Had a lot of lip flap and croosfades though and the whole vid could use a bit of panning to make it more visually interesting. But you did a nice job portraying emotions through the character

506- Well that was a super fun source combo.. Ok 0:52- 1:14 was really nice and I wish the whole vid was more like that. The scene selection worked for the most part but the sync and flow was a bit off. The vid seemed to have only one speed even though the song changed speed. 2:38 to end was nice as well. Careful using push transitions they are a bit jarring.

520- The intro is more intense than the actual video. Seemed like a lot of really long clips. Would have liked to see my sync throughout. The combo makes sense but seems weird that the girl has a male voice.

523 - Wow, a lot of really nice editing going on here. The only thing editing wise I would say is those blurry crossfades like at 1:08 and that iris after are a bit harsh. Overall very cute and a lot of interesting things happening that I haven’t seen before (or at least done well) so good job. Super adorable.

524- Ok so AMAZING lyric sync and scene selection. The vid is a good idea but kinda flat looking with a bit of tweaking it could be really strong. The fades to black are harsh and the video lacks movement. Adding some pans and some internal sync to the faster parts would really help (and I saw a few parts with really nice internal sync so I know you can do it! :). But yeah I love the idea but it took me more than one watch to see what you were going for.

542- Lip sync was a bit off and need a bit more to be a funny vid but I see what you were going for.

548- I mean I get what you did there and not bad. But like it just seems like a bit of a clip show of the anime, might have connected better if you showed the dad struggling or something instead of just running down the street. The intro part was well done but once “he lies” starts there’s no real connection.

581- That was a pretty strong source combo and nice edit. A solid romance amv just not my taste though.

584- There is some pretty nice sync going on there. Needed a bit more room to breathe and take it all in though. You overshadowed some really nice scene selections with far away fast paced scenes. I liked the combo but the visuals were too fast for the audio. Bring it back a bit and sync some lyrical flow to motion.

586- Welll that was familar

588- That was a cute pairing. The crossfades are really jarring and the rap part needed something a bit extra to make the vid stand out. Maybe adding more friendship scenes and less bike scenes (though I realize it’s a bike anime)

592- Props for creativity when it comes to the story line. No one got hit by a car or got cancer or anything. That being said I’m not 100% sure what exactly happened so there needed to be a bit more added for clarity. The masking could use a bit of work as well (feather them less) and try not reuse clips. But like I said a really creative idea.

603-Yo dem crossfades @_@ some blur or something is needed to break them up. At first the song seemed super strange for the source but watching it again I really saw the literal sync and fun times. Lots of missed opportunities for syncing towards the end during and after the frozen part. Pretty solid live action edit, liked the scene choices a lot.

604- I honestly just don’t see why

608- hahahah that intro is love. Cute combo but could use some slow panning throughout and a more impactful chorus. Started to use a lot of really long clips. It really is a very cute idea just needs a bit more work with sync and flow.

611- Ok soooo I kinda like that XD but the sync was off. At first I was like what the heck but the second time around it grew on me. If the sync was super solid I’d be all about this vid XD

613- I really liked this song mix for this it def made it dark feeling. Very nice character profile. Some more internal sync during that action scenes like you did at 2:32. The action needed more action sync. And the slower parts could use some lyrical flow but overall solid character profile.

615- Well that was a spooky little trip. Very creepy but fun vibe. The crossfades were a bit harsh. The scene selection really worked and that subtle internal sync was awesome.

623 – 8/10 WOULD BANG. Love this vid so much. The lip sync was off in places though. The internal sync was so much fun and the idea was great and the masks were really nice. Not a huge fan of the rap part REALLY wish it was more like the rest of the vid. But one of my favs this contest.

626 - Very strong combo. Have a lot of crossfades going on though that need some blur or something. THE DRAGONS THOUGH! Some strong lyrical flow at places and scene selections but fall off a bit at other places.

641- The zooms are really really jarring. If you are gonna zoom place you need a bit of blur so you don’t see the pixels, but the zooms zoomed way too far in. The flow of the song didn’t seem to fit the flow of the visuals. Try to set the mood of the anime during the verses and then go crazy with action sync during the chorus next time.

656- That doooorrrr I can’t decide if I like it or not. Some fun sync for a baccano vid though. The intro seems weak compared to the rest of the vid. That Claire sync though @_@ love Claire.

668- This was a pretty solid series profile for this anime. The crossfades are harsh to look at. Didn’t see the anime but kinda made me feel like I have.

674- That was a pretty cute idea and nostalgic. The crossfades were jarring to watch though. Cute concept and very fitting source combo.

679- Really cute idea XD. Very fitting for this couple. Some of the effects seemed odd though like that feather masked overlay thing with Sakura and some mouth slides in there. YES the “Take my hand” part is love. Some of the transitions looked cool like at 1:26 but mask slides like at 1:02 were a bit jarring. The colorful line transitions were neat though and the overall idea was freakin adorable.

690- That was an interesting idea. The cosplays were nice but it was just a lot of dramatic face scenes.

696- The heck is this movie XD. Had nice build up to the joke part and was fun. Was an interesting an well edited live action. Might be more impactful if it was shorter and to the point.

704- Needed a bit more lyrical flow to connect to the audio. Some more internal sync during the dramatic parts would really help bring the video to life.

771- Oh thank god, I was worried at first.

773- Visuals were too slow compared to the audio. Seems like a lot of just clip placement over the song.

779- Now I can say I’ve seen the first episode of this anime. Not exactly sure what you were going for here.

803- That was a weird edit but very fitting for the source combo lol. Loved the sync at 1:00. Short and the point.

820-You lost me in the mix of animes, feels almost like a MEP. IF you continued with the concept you demonstrated at first (The iphone chick with other animes showing up on screens) I could see this becoming a fun vid.

844- REALLY FUN! Loved the small masks that peeked out of panels. Some strong internal sync for parts that I wish there was more of but that’s just being super super picky. Very strong fun vid.

879- Well that worked lol.

889- That was an interesting idea. Not sure the feel you were going for though. Lyrical flow and sync could help direct the video into a certain direction.

895- That’s a freakin adorable couple and nice to see a vid to it. I feel it would be a lot stronger if you tried to follow a type of story line instead of jumping between time periods.

913- Used a lot of clips really fast at the begingn that would have been more useful to help improve the overall impact during the action parts. A slower intro would help make the action scenes look even more intense. Nice source combo. Due to this type of song I would suggest more lyrical flow sync to motion throughout the vid to help add to the story and mood.

925- Really fun to see in this contest but not a strong stand alone vid.

949- Ha

957- Not a bad video but was pretty much all build up. The crossfades were a bit jarring.

964- The tension is real! That turn sync towards the end was really nice. Would have liked to see a more dramatic difference between the slow and fast parts and some of the clips change a bit too quick. 1:44 is magical and dat tease ending.

966- Lots of fun stuff happen in here. The literal sync is soooo fun and the sourc e combo is sooooooo fitting. Lots of cool transitions as well but there were a few masked transitions that just popped out of now where and some of the internal sync is a bit off.

977-HAA see what you did there. If you killed that at the end I would have loved you forever. Some pans on the still clips would bring more life. But really like the idea.

987- Watch those crossfades, some blur is needed. Really great scene selection and connection between the movies.

999- I like the mood this video created. The flags were kinda cool too. It was a very diffent take and was fun to watch. Would have loved more sync throughout though bc it just seemed like a mood piece with limited sync.


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