Gay Independence Day from the Obama Monarchy

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Gay Independence Day from the Obama Monarchy

Post by post-it » Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:46 pm

Monarchy: where one dictates the rules that others follow.

( being a Republic, a Monarchy Environment has only been
called upon twice in U.S. History:
1) Hamilton was given Monarchy Status after Washington
was trying to figure-out how to pay-off our nation's
$16.3 million dollar War Fee; the problem was that a Republic
could not demand a One Currency Monitary Environment
with 18 different coin values!
2) FDR, after receiving news of Hitler's taking credit for the
Japanese on Perl Harbor but also getting accounts from
eye witnesses that None Of Our Oil Nor Refineries Were Targeted, Called upon Congress to grant him Full and Utter
control of the U.S. and declared a State Of War! )

Obama has crippled our National Dept by paying Banks
instead of the Warehousing Bills owed for storing our
already manufactured goods. ! ???

Obama has introduced Obama Care - which is about to face
bankruptcy proceedings shortly.

Obama has made it acceptable for declaring Gay U.S.A. Nationwide --- sorry pal, your not a Monarch nor is the U.S.
at war with anybody.

Unless his intentions are to Declair WAR and then DRAFT both
parents at the same time for "lack of a dominance in the family"
I'm not quite sure if giving 29 Billion PEOPLES Dis-honorable Discharges is such a wise plan of action!?!


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Re: Gay Independence Day from the Obama Monarchy

Post by Farlo » Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:45 pm

i like mexican food.

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