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Re: The Shinji Red Suit Dress-Up Award (Best Parody Video)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:29 pm
by CorpseGoddess
CodeZTM wrote:
CorpseGoddess wrote: Okay, you're right. Before we get into a debate about likes and dislikes and what makes the lulz and what doesn't, we should curb this and go back to my original assertion. Which is that based solely on the fact that my husband is awesome and makes fantastic videos, his is the bestest parody vid in the category and should win and if you don't vote for it you're all poopypants. :awesome:
Most definitely. Your husband made a fantastic video which SHOULD win. It's hands down the best parody in the category, and does the best job of defining the parody genre. I'm just an ex-literary major that loves to argue the finer details of some of the best aspects of literature and intergrate them into AMVs. More or less, EAOEM was probably one of my more favorite videos of the year, and I just wanted to defend it. xD
Oh, I'm a HUGE fan of semantics and the arguments thereof. I recognized a similar affection for this sort of stuff in your replies, which is why I figured it was best for everybody to put the kibosh on things now.


Re: The Shinji Red Suit Dress-Up Award (Best Parody Video)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:30 pm
by BasharOfTheAges
CodeZTM wrote:Explain to me in detail how EAOEM isn't a parody.

A parody AMV is [ideally] something created as a means to mock/comment/ridicule the oirigin.
... by means of imitation and exaggeration.

How you do it makes it parody, satire, trope, etc. It's a very specific sub-genre of comedy. So specific that I think EvaFan made a good point - there aren't enough good videos to qualify it as a category most years.

Re: The Shinji Red Suit Dress-Up Award (Best Parody Video)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:58 pm
by godix
CodeZTM wrote:Explain to me in detail how EAOEM isn't a parody.
It's already been said several times, but the definition of a parody is a work that emulates and exaggerates whatever it's based on. Notice the reason doesn't matter. Yes, parody often is used for humor, commentary, or ridicule. But that's not a requirement and just because something is funny, makes commentary, or ridicules doesn't automatically mean it's a parody. Look at it this way, documentaries often make lots of commentary on their subject, does this mean that every documentary that has ever been made is a parody? No, because most don't emulate or exaggerate what they're based on.

Now, EAOEM does not emulate anime openings. It *IS* anime openings.

EAOEM also does not exaggerate anime openings. It shows what is already there with no exaggeration at all. The entire point of the video is 'Here's several examples of this common thing'. Exaggerating it would defeat that entire point.

Now, if EAOEM had taken those common traits of anime openings and presented them in a way that put them way, way over the top then it would have been parody. But that's not what it did. What EAOEM did was a list of tropes, done for the purpose of humor and commentary. It's not a parody for pretty much the same reason a civil war documentary or Chris Rock are not parodies. It takes more than just being funny or making a comment to be parody.

Sorry to contribute to this derailing of the thread, but comedy is serious business. We should all just be happy that there isn't a 'Most Ironic' award to argue over.

Re: The Shinji Red Suit Dress-Up Award (Best Parody Video)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:32 pm
by CodeZTM
Hmm... I honestly counted the "here are 12 scenes of people running aimlessles in the breeze" as an exaggeration. :sweat:

Re: The Shinji Red Suit Dress-Up Award (Best Parody Video)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:42 pm
by Otohiko
I also consider it a parody, based on my interpretation - I see it as a footage from a bunch of different anime openings passed off as it was a single opening sequence, just for every anime ever made instead of one single anime. In that interpretation, that is definitely a textbook parody.

Re: The Shinji Red Suit Dress-Up Award (Best Parody Video)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:11 pm
by Fall_Child42
EvaFan wrote:Lastly, this shit is the reason I hate VCAs.
You know, this is actually the most civil well thought out, best discussed dialogue I have EVER seen in my years watching the VCAs.

I'm not sure why discussions about music videos and the categories of a contest would make you hate that contest, but whatever not mine to judge.
Otohiko wrote:I also consider it a parody, based on my interpretation - I see it as a footage from a bunch of different anime openings passed off as it was a single opening sequence, just for every anime ever made instead of one single anime. In that interpretation, that is definitely a textbook parody.
I can see bot side really, I guess it depends on how you look at it.
If EAOEM was just a list of things, then no not really, I wouldn't see it as a parody.
If EAOEM was actually using the other openings to make one single opening. (except exaggerating it to mock it) then it is.

However based on it's presentation, I would have to side with the former rather than the latter.

Re: The Shinji Red Suit Dress-Up Award (Best Parody Video)

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:11 pm
by Kireblue
Its funny how this is one of the few VCA threads that are still getting active posts. Since there doesn't seem to be anything else to talk about, that's probably why so many people are joining this conversation. But at this point, just about every viewpoint has been discussed, commented on and thoroughly examined.

Re: The Shinji Red Suit Dress-Up Award (Best Parody Video)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:55 pm
by Kitsuner
Vote Pooperpolecat or you're a purplepants.

Re: The Shinji Red Suit Dress-Up Award (Best Parody Video)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 6:23 pm
by CorpseGoddess
Dr. Faux Pas wrote:Vote Pooperpolecat or you're a purplepants.
w00t! New nickname for hubby! :awesome:

Re: The Shinji Red Suit Dress-Up Award (Best Parody Video)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:07 pm
by Moonlight Soldier
Yea I'd consider my video more a satire. There isn't a category for that though so meh.
Not much you can do about it. Heck I won a contest this year for a category I didn't feel matched, but whatever. You can't control the ignorant masses.