JOURNAL: pen-pen2002 (Søren Berg)

  • rendering... 2005-09-12 23:22:44 The work thing about compisiting is the render time. This results in the creator almost never hearing the music while editing. Perhaps that is the reason for the greater focus on mood sinch in traditional videos....? 
  • New project 2005-09-12 12:55:04 Well, I have officially fallen to the dark side. I have become an effects junky.

    I don't even use Premiere anymore, there's so much compositing it's faster to do it all in AE.

    It's definatly a wierd feeling, going from a vid with no effects to a full-blown cross-over. There is less time spent finding clips, but much more time spent fitting it all together and making it look right. There is less focus on the effect on the viewer, on how it makes you feel. Instead the focus is visual details and flow, Even without sound it is still much the same and you think to yourself, look what I have CREATED. Two sides of the same coin, hopefully I will be able to maintain my mood synch sensibility and make this next video a masterpeice. God knows I've spent enough time on it.

    Anyways, for those that know me: the first beta goes out tonight. 
  • update of a classic 2005-03-22 11:20:56 I agree with foxjones that people bitching about the banner are stupid. People just got to used to the old banner. I didn't vote for the new one but after seeing some of the entries I think it's awesome, it's incredably flexible and costomizable.

    I entered my first banner. I took the old classic "50,000 AMVer's can't be wrong" and updated it with 300,000 grafitii style. Before you think I'm lazy I also edited out the old logo pixel by pixel and put on the new one. 
  • VCA results 2005-03-08 15:30:07 I'm happy with most of the results. Nice to see Toushi and Whisper both on the winners board, nice to see insomnia and immages. Narutrix was very deserving and Greed Vs Envy was pretty cool.

    I was disapoited by "The Wasteland" not winning artistic. I mean, really. Also I've never been a huge fan of Shonnen Bushido.

    But the real disapointment was "The AMV Before Holloween". I will admit I'm biased because this is the category I was in, but if "Serial Killer Mentality" had one I would be the first to congradulate Fynjy and if "Angels Redemtion" had won it would be justified. But the winner isn't even a horror video, it's more of a parody and it's really not that good. It's technically impressive but it was rough and cheap looking in my oppinion.

    People are just too lazy to download all the videos and actually COMPARE them.

    Bleh, enough ranting. 
  • Power Edit 2004-12-31 00:51:36 You've never edited untill you've edited for days on a project that will determine your final grade in a class and possibly whether you keep a 10,000 dollor scholorship. I decided to do a video project instead of a 10 page paper for Sociology, but now I'm down to the wire and editing like a madman.

    On the plus side I get to use all those effects that are way overdone in AMV's.

    @ Flint: Hello. 
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