JOURNAL: Dezbo21 (Desiree Williams)

  • New vid! 2007-03-19 17:40:47 Wow! its been a while since I wrote in this. Anyway, I made a video for the disney tribute video. I worked so hard on it i decided to place it in my video profile, and then I'm going to continue to tweak it so I can enter it in Otakon! Yay!!

    oh well, that's it, if anyone wants to see it, feel free to hop over to my profile. 
  • Sunday 2006-08-13 11:58:03 It just happens to be Sunday, i'm kind of angry that I have to go to work with my sister visiting, but I get the next three days off to spend with her, and she leaves Wednesday morning.

    I've started the script and timeline planning on the AMV Graveyard project. I think it will turn out better than everyone is expecting, since it doesn't seem like they're expecting much.

    Lets hope I can make this one exceed expectations.

    I'm also working on another vid that came to me while I was checking out some new stuff.

    I saw something so bizare that I had to make an AMV, but I'm keeping that one to myself since it will be a while before I get a chance to work on it.

    Well, off to work. 
  • Otakon is over 2006-08-10 04:58:46 Otakon kicked my rear, and then, I get called into work on Monday after I was supposed to be off until Wednesday.

    Man, my sister is in town for another week, and this was her first convention. It was fun, and I think next year I might actually put in an entry.

    I've got a few ideas.

    I'm also progressing fairly well on my AMV Graveyard Project. The contest portion just entered round 13 and I have the character designs for my AMV Reaper.

    I'm seeing at least 2 months of frame by frame work on the original animation alone. I'm thinking of cutting it off at round 15 so I can have time to work on it and possibly release it around halloween. I think it would be most fitting.

    Yeah, I think that 15 is a nice solid number to go out on, and it will give me some time to work on the video.

    It's late, and I have to get up for work again.

    ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Good Night~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 
  • First Entry 2006-07-24 01:26:01 Well, I've never done a journal entry before, so I'm not really sure what they are about.
    Still, if this is a place to just rant about yourself, or what ever you feel like all I have to say is AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now that I feel better, I was just wondering to myself if I could ever make a video that was con-worthy.

    I do the best with the limited software I have, and wonder if it will ever work out.

    I've seen my recent evolution in my own video editing skills, and I thank whatever holy body is watching over me that I did not post a single one of my AMVs that contained subtitles.

    I now go back to my daily life.

    An at-home video editor by day, and a Line Cook by night. Considering I was a prepcook two weeks ago, I think I'm moving up in the world. 
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