JOURNAL: Bebop0083

  • new links 2023-04-29 10:43:26
    I'll be adding new links to most of my videos and adding local versions of my DBZ AMV Collection. Both will contain new download links for my big files and smaller versions for the local download versions. I'm slowly in the process of adding local download links. The only thing I have an issue with is the quality of the videos. I really don't think making local download size does them justice which is why I'm also adding new download links for bigger sizes so I can have them all in one place. Well that's it for now! Out.  
  • Closure 2022-11-22 14:29:29 Its been awhile since I've written in this thing! I'm unleashing my latest and possibly last video under the Bebop0083 moniker. Now to clarify things I will still be making remakes and rehashes of my original work no doubts about that, but anything new related will not be released here. I might even release something new if it holds my interest like DBS: Broly movie or DBS: Super Hero. Anything new will not be released here.

    I will still be around in other forms of the community just not so much under this name for much longer. I wanted to release something new for a change and have been thinking about this for sometime as I prepare for the official end. This is my first UHD amv and I think if you're going to go out big why not go out with Super. DBS that is.

    I still have a lot to do before I finally close out!  
  • Still Alive 2020-09-06 14:27:05
    Its been a while since I posted anything here, but I'm still here. Finally got around to adding all my new stuff. Its mostly sutff I edited from 2018-2019. I also added a remake of my Death Note amv from like 2009 or so that I made in 2016 when the Death Note blu rays came out. Other than that not much going on besides sitting around and watching anime during quarantine. I need to get my self together again and start making my DBZ 2020 amvs. I've only edited one video so far. I also have a Gundam amv to add too which I made last year almost forgot about it. That's it for now. Out.  
  • fire rekindled 2016-02-26 23:56:49
    (I got a fire in my eyes!) Sorry, got Fireflight stuck in my head there.

    It seems Samurai Warriors Productions is back on track I see...

    I have a new vid my self I'm working on and it's almost done. I got some new inspiration since I was in a dark place last time and needed time to sort things out. I've got my shit together for the most part.

    But the question is how am I releasing this video. I can't put it on the tube for fear of copyright violations. Who am I kidding? I don't really give a damn about that but it is annoying. I'd put up on the org but no one really downloads my stuff any more so I'd be more or less wasting my time. And I'm done with putting my vids on amvnews. That's the worst amv site I've ever been too.

    I could do direct downloads like I have been doing to avoid star scales, but that also alienates people from downloading as well. I'm kind of stumped. But I'll decide on something soon.  
  • looking for inspiration 2016-02-05 19:47:33
    Sometimes I wonder how long I'm actually going to work on this little hobby. It seems each time I think I have a good idea I stop before I really begin to work on anything. I've been really depressed and frustrated lately with both work and life that sometimes I don't really care about working on them.

    I tried seeing how well I would do at amvnews and I get so much backlash responses than that of the org. I was hoping since they were a little more engaging in the community I would do better there. Nope. Wrong. I've never seen a community so picky about amvs before. It's like its their life or death or something compared to the lade back community of the org where we just see it as a hobby.

    I've been trying to find new bands to listen too so I can get my self motivated once again but so far nothing has really hit. I've been focusing on another hobby of mine like drawing. I've been getting back into it lately and I'm actually not half bad. I've come along way since the last time I tried.

    I just need to find an anime I really want to work with and just stick with it. I often wonder how long I'll continue to be doing amvs. There's still projects left that I still want to do, but its finding songs that is the main problem. I'm running out of music that I like listening too. That and the fact that even if I complete any doesn't mean any body will watch them and if they do they'll just give me a shitty score any way. See my dilemma here?

    I mainly create amvs just for my self and what I want to see, but what's the point if people are just gonna shit all over it? It's getting kind of annoying lately. I know a lot of people would like to see me gone, but if I do that they win the fight. I barely do enough to stay in the game as it is.

    Well that's the end of my rant.

    I'm sure I'll think of something sooner or later, but right now nothing is in the pot. That's it for now. Out.  
Current server time: May 19, 2024 10:15:53