JOURNAL: TekkaRepliroid Zero (D(ragon) - Boy)

  • And I'm not an idiot 2004-01-11 19:10:26 Only almost... unless the fact of the matter is that someone edited my post c.C... but I think someone would have told that I was that stupid... or hope.
  • Ah crap 2004-01-11 18:59:48 I think I've been giving a bad link to my video when posting it, as I realize I grabbed it via the edit links page... >.< Damnit. Good thing that others can't access it ¬¬... but I feel a tad foolish nonetheless. 
  • Handijng out the 1s 2004-01-11 15:43:50 People consider how well the anime/music combination is when they grade/star or opinionate a vid. This is not a good idea. Why? Simple.

    The best combination can be totally botched.

    *gives 1 star ratings* if there was a 0, I'd use it. Sure, the combination seemed like it could not fail... TWICE, same song different anime, 2 videos this happened, potentially fantastic combination, but both times, completely and utterly blew it, really badly.

    -.- WHY... must people be lazy... AND stupid?... I mean... one's bad enough without them being combined. It seems that people like that are trying to make AMVs. These people need their computers, or whatever they are editing with, to blow up while they're using it... and I mean really explode... like to the point where it can leave a crater in the place of a 50-storey apartment building with no debris falling except tons of dust particles, because the explosion vaporized the structure and half the city block it stood in. Yeah, that's what needs to happen to people that create videos that are that bad, wasting a great combination that could've been awesome, because these people have no potential and just contribute to the crap pile where some 90-something % of AMVs sadly end up.

  • FTP is a damned crackwhore 2004-01-09 23:14:39 Took forever to get a client that can reconnect properly after a connection failure. After trying some 10-15 times, I finally have the video uploaded. Conclusion: FTP is the only thing we've got, and it sucks because it is unstable with a lot of crappy clients. Smart FTP has a reliable resume transfer function for those that are having trouble... although those people likely aren't reading this journal post... Yeah. That was a pain in the ass. Why the connection gets cut off so often is a mystery, it doesn't seem to be coming from my end.

  • It's an unhealthy addiciton when... 2004-01-09 00:03:45 I just remind myself that it will be a long time before I get to do this again. Video is assembled, and it is pretty, it is very pretty, crazy at times, but pretty nonetheless. If only I could get this thing to encode the way I want it to, which I'm having a hard time with, and will be resorting to a plan b when my brain has rebooted.

    It is coming XD
    First vid I'll actually get to upload although it is my 5th to date. 
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