JOURNAL: l33tmeatwad (Elite Meatwad)

  • As the World Turns 2012-08-06 13:14:30 Wow, My life has been crazy since the last time I posted something, I completed my last semester of school, attended two anime conventions, and moved to South Carolina.  There were both great moments and ones that weren't so great as well.  It kinda sucked to have my entry lost by Animazment AMV staff, completely preventing me from having the opportunity to possibly win comedy for a third year in a row.  I also got the chance to compete at some conventions I had not sent videos to or had not made finals at before.  Winning at Anime Next, Seishun-con, and ConnectiCon was an honor.  Making finals at Anime Expo and having two entries in comedy make finals was also really awesome, although neither were as strong joke wise compared to the winner of comedy.  Otakon this year was really fun and having a chance to hang out with so many editors was fun, but the stress from the entire month of July, with the move and other things going on, led to me getting sick right before and during the convention.  I was a bit disappointed at the sheer amount of non-anime content used for both videos in the contest and for Iron Editor as well, but I'm apparently in the minority when it comes to this matter so I won't really go on about why I see that as a problem.  It was nice to win 1st in comedy again and that puts the pressure on me to try for a 3rd win in a row next year.  Another really awesome thing about Otakon this year was to see PixelBlended Studios take two 1st in category, three 2nd in category, and the win for Iron Editor.  It was also awesome to see all my friends that I got to know over Skype do well at the contest too.  Now that I'm recovered from this hectic summer, I hope to make it out to AWA so that I can hang out again with my fellow studio members and other awesome editors.  Here's hoping that works out and also that next year's convention season is just as awesome! 
  • Spring Cleaning 2012-04-17 10:24:27 It’s been a while since my last update, and I have to say this spring has been a fun one for AMV contests. I’ve had the chance this year to submit to a few conventions that I wanted to submit to in the past, but did not due to not having a video ready. After getting started in this hobby in 2010 and looking through conventions to submit to on the forum, Kawaii-Kon was one of the smaller conventions I wanted to submit to due to their awesome wood plaques. I was really excited to win best in showcase at Kawaii-Kon and receiving a phone call from them during the convention was really cool. I also decided this year that I would send to more small conventions to get more exposure for my videos and to help them out with their entry numbers. March was a good month and I ended up winning at quite a few contests, but that has also put pressure on me to make more videos so that I can continue to submit now that certain videos must be retired from the convention circuit. I am really looking forward to this summer and actually attending some conventions. Hopefully, I can pull some repeat wins at the conventions I am attending, and to anyone attending Animazement, Otakon, or Anime Weekend Atlanta, I hope to see you there! 
  • VCA Finals 2012-02-22 09:50:50 Well that was exciting, I was very thrilled to make it to the finals on the first year I've participated in the VCAs. I won't lie and say I wasn't disappointed to find out I didn't win, but I couldn't have lost to better videos. Congratulations to all the winners! Y'all watch out though, I'll be editing full force this year to get back to the VCA finals again! 
  • My First VCAs 2012-02-13 12:46:34 Well, I never really paid attention to the VCAs before, so it's quite a new experience to me seeing what the community views as the best videos of the year. I'm pretty thrilled that my joint project with snapxynith has made it to the finals, was not expecting this when I came up with the concept last spring. Good luck to everyone in the finals! It's going to be a LONG week, haha... 
  • What a Year 2011-12-24 23:38:13 Wow, it's hard to believe the year is almost over, it was my first very active year in the AMV community and it has been a blast. It's interesting to look and see how I've developed and changed as an editor this year. Starting off with Rough Love, looking back I feel disappointed in my lack of effort that I put into that project and how much better that AMV could have been. Finishing up the year releasing Requiem of the Endless Eight and Clubbin' with Lupin, I feel they are two of my finest videos and I'm glad to see how much my editing has improved this year. I am looking forward to the new year and I am very excited to see how much more I can improve next year as well.  
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