Video Information


  • Member: Aqua_aura
  • Title: Everytime I Fall For You (all over again)
  • Premiered: 2006-04-11
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Yizhar Ashdot בכל פעם אני מתאהב בך מחדש
  • Anime:
  • Comments: I just figured I really wanted to share the fluff XD

    I hope those of you who like the two animes enjoy it! ^^

    For those of you who really liked the song I uploaded it on savefile so you can download it for your enjoyment:

    The song's name is
    Everytime I fall for you all over again, or in Hebrew: "Behol paam ani mitahev" by Izhar Ashdot.

    Here's alink to the original clip of the song:

    If you're interested in the artist himself then I'm also adding a link to his hompage. He recently came out with a new performance which is one of the best performances I've been to - especially if you like Irish music!

Opinions (1)
