Video Information


  • Member: The Wired Knight
  • Studio: Wired Knight Productions
  • Title: A Wolf's Lament
  • Premiered: 2006-03-25
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Johnny Hollow Skeleton Song
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: My first attempt at a horror video. Jin-roh is a personal favorite Anime Movie of mine. I thought I'd try to make a video taht pulls out the nature of the show and the horrors that Fuse suffers through as he is caught up in the struggle. The song is a song I discovered on the internet once from an artist called Johnny Hollow. You can find the band online, a canadian group.

    The song was deep and mysterious and I felt that the lyrics adequetly described the conflicted mind of Fuse and the entanglement in which he was in.

    As far as editing goes you might notice that the audio sounds cut short. The Skeleton song in and of itself is about seven minutes long. Due to the editing style of this video (retelling the story of Jin-roh) I was running through the footage too quickly. As a result there would not be enough footage to do the latter half of the song and I felt that it would drone on too long for such a dark and slow paced video.

    One plan I had that never saw fruition was that there were too faster sections of the song, one is used here at the end for the fight in the sewer. Originally this was to be Fuse's fight int he museum and the sewer battle would come much later. This was inevitably cut for the previous reasons stated.

    All in all I am pleased with the theme of the video and especially for how the last minute of it turned out.

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