Video Information


  • Member: Rider4Z
  • Studio: Otaku Lounge Productions
  • Title: RIRAITO
  • Premiered: 2006-09-26
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Asian Kung-Fu Generation Rewrite
  • Anime:
  • Comments:
    finally! it's finished! *pant*

    good grief, i started this video right after i got back from AX this year, and have been working on it on and off since. i ended up taking a big break from it because after half of it was done, i was blocked. and i didn't want to "just finish it". i wanted it to have as much heart as what i started with as what it has during the entire video. so i just worked on a little bit at a time, watching and rewatching what i had done, trying out different things, rendering, deleting, and completely redoing certain things, adding, taking out. oi what a mess.

    but the end result i'm very happy with how it came out. this is quite a technical step up for me. i experimented with a lot of digital effects, a lot of my inspiration coming from "Temporality V"; the vid that won best technical use at the AX amv awards.

    this video would definitely go in the AMTV category at AX, but since we don't have such a selection i did my best to match it up with what we have. after buying the entire gundam wing series without even watching it, i kinda dedicated myself to really studying and figuring out what the series is about. and after watching it all the way thru.... i still have no idea X(
    this series is so technically complicated, i couldn't believe they played it on toonami. not that it wasn't appropriate for younger viewers, i just can't see any young teens (or older) really grasping onto this show. the hardest thing i think for me, was being able to differentiate between the gundams and what made each one special. so i really tried to bring that out in this video, so people can at least comprehend which gundam belonged to which kid. i didn't bring in anything outside the circle of the 6 main characters, Heero Yuy, Relina Dorlin- Peacecraft, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quattre Raberba Winner, and Chang Wufei. the video is really all about them.

    i'll be honest, i've never seen any gundam amvs, so i apologize if this ended up being a really cliche video. ....actually no, i have seen one gundam video, but it was a different gundam series (i don't know which one.) anyway, this video is my most original in my view, but other gundam wing fans may disagree.

    i chose "Rewrite" by Asian Kung-fu Generation, because it's my favorite song from the Fullmetal Alchemist soundtrack, and it really deserved to have a video made to it. and i was very fortunate that the lyrics matched the video.

    printable lyrics -->

    as for the song it sounds kinda kkkkkkkkk.... that's what it actually sounds like off the cd *shrugs* so i assume it's intentional.

    *Editor's notes, PLEASE READ:*
    i'm getting a few complaints about the video quality being different in areas. if you are referring to scenes that seem a little faded than others, that's intentional. i did that for flashbacks and less active scenes to increase the drama, and to make the more active scenes brighter making them more dynamic.
    but then entire footage for my video was all ripped from their official dvds and by the same program.

    EDIT(again): phade let me re-upload the video so now the quality is much cleaner.

    Programs used:
    DVD Decrypter
    Adobe Premiere Pro
    Adobe Photoshop 7.0
    Virtual Dub Mod


Opinions (9)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 8.29
  • 8.86
  • 10.00
  • 9.14
  • 8.71
  • 9.14
  • 7.86
  • 8.57
