Video Information


  • Member: Haunter103
  • Title: Marine Land
  • Premiered: 2006-09-23
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Marineland Ontario Commercial
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: So I wasn't going to bother even making an org entry (It really is more of an AMV-Hell-style clip, and I don't like giving those seperate org entries), and just leave it with uploading to YouTube (, but then they went ahead and awarded me a couple of prizes at AC^3, so now I don't have much choice. Well, I used the full commercial audio, so that justifys this somewhat.

    This was originally created for the hell of it because I thought the scenes from One Piece fit the audio well. but I had to do SOMETHING with it and the AWA SAST contest came about so I sent it there. Of course, people in the states wouldn't catch the audio reference, as they havn't had the same jingle pushed on them for the past 7 summers or so, so I figured I should submit it to at least one Canadian convention, so I entered it to AC cubed 2006 where it won best etc, you know the rest.

    -I only lip synched one small part, and the only "Digital Effect" to speak of is the title logo at the end. But I included them both in technical details nonetheless.

    *Won Grand Prize and Most Original at AC^3 2006*

Opinions (1)
