Video Information


  • Member: MeriC
  • Studio: Temple O' Trunks
  • Title: The Animal Song
  • Premiered: 2000-07-15
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Savage Garden The Animal Song
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: This was the first music video that I ever sent to an anime convention. And it was one of the most embarassing experiences ever. :P

    The idea for this video is a rather stupid one. It's "The Animal Song". Utena has lots of animals in that show, in lots of weird moments. Comedy ensues! Well, at least to me, and Kim Herbst, who helped me make this video.

    As my primary submission for Shoujocon 2000, I didn't know what to expect. After all, I made this one using the 2-VCR method, and the finished product looked sloppy and un-viewable as hell. I figured it would be OK, because after all, who was going to send a video to this dinky little first-year con in Newark, NJ?

    Well, let's just say this was the year DokiDoki's "Senshi on Springer" and Kusoyaro's "Bachelorette" videos were sent to the con ^_^. It was then that I truly saw what *great* music videos were. I think that was the turned point that motivated me to make not crappy videos. :P

    Anywho, after seeing how this pile o' crap stacked up against the pros, I learned that I would never make a music video using the 2-VCR method again, and that I should investigate using a better computer to make videos. As fate would have it, this was the summer that I would meet Scott Melzer (the guy who taught me so many things on how to edit videos, and helped get me out of make RealVideo crap AMVs) and Mike "VegettoEX" LaBrie (my future boyfriend whose computer I would use to produce the first of my early "good" videos, such as "Carry On Dancing," and "Again" beta versions).

    This is a kind of symbolic video to me, not due to the actual content of the video itself (which is very very corny. In fact, I don't even HAVE a copy of this video anymore. I taped on top of it by accident). This was the last video I ever made using 2 VCRs, and helped me to realize what a crappy editor I really was back then, and I shouldn't send junk videos to convention contests. :P

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