Video Information


  • Member: Ashyukun
  • Studio: Electric Leech Productions
  • Title: Battle Athletess Disco Scene
  • Premiered: 2002-12-22
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Sammi Cheng Mei Fei Se Wu
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This was my segment of the Mission : Improbable Project video, from 6:57.5 to 7:22.5 in the song. Having never done a dance video before, I wasn't quite sure what to do. I also am not quite as given to using extensive digital effects as some people are, so my segment was a bit more plain than some were. I had a lot of fun though, and basically just picked fun, short clips from the the first couple of episodes (I intended originally to just use Night of Ngaji, but couldn't resist pulling in more Ling-Pha footage, as I couldn't get her to lip sync as well from the scenes in Ngaji. The scene from the second episode that starts the video was actually unmodified other than masking it such that I could put the somewhat psychadelic background in behind Ling-Pha- the lipsyncing is a result of tweaking the speed of the clip, it just worked out fairly well.

    The Carrot/Donut is up! And so is this video! I hope you enjoy it! Please leave an opinion and let me know what you thought about it. Thanks!

Opinions (1)
