Video Information


  • Member: Cyanna
  • Studio: Aquiline Studios
  • Title: Keitaro and Naru's Christmas In July
  • Premiered: 2007-07-06
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • The Waitresses Christmas Wrapping
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: Oh no! It's another Love Hina Christmas Video!

    Oh well. :P

    It kinda hurts that I finished this video as late as I did. It certainly shows how bad I can procrastinate. The idea came into my head at around the same time as my FLCL "You Can Call Me Al" video. Not quite Thanksgiving yet but the stores were already decking out. My plan was to edit this during the fall while I was in the Christmas mood. But the Holidays came and went. Then they came and went again....and again.

    After the FLCL video was completed I went for over a year without editing anything. I think between losing touch with the AMV community, spending a summer without attending a convention and my graduating college/finding a job really contributed to my loss of motivation. In the summer of '06 I was watching the AMV contest at Anime NEXT and I realized that it just isn't that much fun for me when I'm not participating in it. I didn't want to do that again in 2007.

    So yeah...I'm back.

    I don't really have much to say about the actual production. The lyrics really did all the thinking for me. Looking back I'm really shocked at how much lyric synch I could get away with. While Love Hina is a very common anime used in Christmas themed AMVs, I think the video's saving grace are the use of the flashback scenes. "Christmas Wrapping" tells a story that spans over one year. Love Hina, including all OAVs spans about 2 years and the seasons do change as time goes on. So instead of it being "All Christmas All The Time!", it's really only ramming Christmas down your throat 70% of the time. :P

    Couple of firsts this time for me. This is the first video I made that wasn't edited with WMM2 as the primary editor. It could have been since it's lax on effects. But the vast majority of the clips have their speeds tweaked with so this would have looked very different in WMM. It's also the first time I was fed to the dogs when it came to pre and post-processing. It was...painful. But it was a learning experience.

    A few words about lip-synch: I never really pictured this video to have a lot of it. I saw facial expressions in my mind more than mouth movements. "Bah Humbug!" and "No!" were the only exceptions to this. Stuff like "Get this winter over with!"...not so much. I didn't check it as a score-able option. Lip-synch wasn't something I was trying to accomplish. I just wanted to keep things fairly rhythmic.

    Before I close, I probably should explain the title. "Keitaro and Naru's Christmas In July" is a blatant rip-off of the Rankin Bass TV special "Rudolph and Frosty's Christmas In July". That and the fact that this video debuted at Anime NEXT '07 and competed in Otakon '07. Both conventions were held in July so that pretty much decided everything.

    "Local" is the higher quality version.
    "Direct" is easier to obtain and watch.

    And a super big thank you to Scintilla for all his help and cleaning up my footage messes. ^^>


    "Bah, humbug!" No, that's too strong
    'Cause it is my favorite holiday
    But all this year's been a busy blur
    Don't think I have the energy

    To add to my already mad rush
    Just 'cause it's 'tis the season.
    The perfect gift for me would be
    Completions and connections left from

    Last year, ski shop,
    Encounter, most interesting.
    Had his number but never the time
    Most of '81 passed along those lines.

    So deck those halls, trim those trees
    Raise up cups of Christmas cheer,
    I just need to catch my breath,
    Christmas by myself this year.

    Calendar picture, frozen landscape,
    Chilled this room for twenty-four days,
    Evergreens, sparkling snow
    Get this winter over with!

    Flashback to springtime, saw him again,
    Would've been good to go for lunch,
    Couldn't agree when we were both free,
    We tried, we said we'd keep in touch.

    Didn't, of course, 'til summertime,
    Out to the beach to his boat could I join him?
    No, this time it was me,
    Sunburn in the third degree.

    Now the calendar's just one page
    And, of course, I am excited
    Tonight's the night, but I've set my mind
    Not to do too much about it.

    Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
    But I think I'll miss this one this year.
    Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
    But I think I'll miss this one this year.
    Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
    But I think I'll miss this one this year.
    Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
    But I think I'll miss this one this year.
    Hardly dashing through the snow
    Cause I bundled up too tight
    Last minute have-to-do's
    A few cards a few calls
    'Cause it's r-s-v-p
    No thanks, no party lights
    It's Christmas Eve, gonna relax
    Turned down all of my invites.

    Last fall I had a night to myself,
    Same guy called, halloween party,
    Waited all night for him to show,
    This time his car wouldn't go,

    Forget it, it's cold, it's getting late,
    Trudge on home to celebrate
    In a quiet way, unwind
    Doing Christmas right this time.

    A&P has provided me
    With the world's smallest turkey
    Already in the oven, nice and hot
    Oh damn! Guess what I forgot?

    So on with the boots, back out in the snow
    To the only all-night grocery,
    When what to my wondering eyes should appear
    In the line is that guy I've been chasing all year!

    "I'm spending this one alone," he said.
    "Need a break; this year's been crazy."
    I said, "Me too, but why are you?
    You mean you forgot cranberries too?"

    Then suddenly we laughed and laughed
    Caught on to what was happening
    That Christmas magic's brought this tale
    To a very happy ending! "

    Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
    Couldn't miss this one this year!
    Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
    Couldn't miss this one this year!

    This video was editing using Magix Movie Edit Pro.

Opinions (1)
