Video Information


  • Member: DRWii
  • Studio: /\/\/\ PhoenixWolf Productions /\/\/\
  • Title: Kill Jill
  • Premiered: 2007-07-19
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Kill Bill Trailer Audio
  • Anime:
  • Comments: My 8th AMV. Didn't expect to make a new one this soon after my last.

    For the record, I have not seen this movie, so please don't complain if there is something grossly inappropriate to the subject matter. I don't know what inspired me to do this, but I think it works well, so I will not question the workings of the universe. I'm also surprised that this AMV used Cutie Honey, but I probably shouldn't be since I'm currently obsessed with it.

    So, anyway, time for the notes:

    00:24-00:27: Yeah, this part's kind of weak.

    00:31: Do all those flashes on the sword damage the effect?

    00:38: Sorry about the lip movements, but it was the only way to make this shot work. If you pay enough attention to the sword its probably no big deal.

    00:48: No matter how hard I tried, she never seemed to pull the sword out in time with the sound.

    00:49-00:53: If the timing looks weird, just know that I tried to follow the same beats as the actual trailer, so just listen very carefully. Also like in the trailer, this is the only place in the whole trailer that Jill appears. Of course she's more deserving of color, so I just toned it down instead of making it black and white.

    01:04-01:17: Yeah, this part is weak, too; I couldn't think of a better way to get to the shot of the goons falling over.

    01:19: I'm not stupid; the reason it says 2004 is because that's the year "Re: Cutie Honey" was made.

    01:33-01:38: I swear the lip sync was better in the editor. In fact, there are a lot of spots in the video that seem a little off, but they aren't nearly as noticeable or damaging as this. Ironically, I think the YouTube version has better timing, but the screen is smaller and the video quality is crap.

    Hope you enjoy, and please leave an opinion.

Opinions (2)
