Video Information


  • Member: Purge
  • Studio: amvience studios
  • Title: The Hundred Dollar AMV
  • Premiered: 2007-10-13
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Two Steps From Hell Dragon Rider
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This AMV is a spin off idea from an original idea that was based of a previous abandoned amv that was the spin off idea of another original idea where i have since forgotten the specifics. I chose to make this amv because Armageddon expo in Australia was running an amv competition with first prize being 100 hundred Australian dollars and you know, you have got to be in it to win it. But I had nothing to enter into it so i had nothing to win it thus to rectify i quickly started brainstorming amv ideas. The deadline to submit an entry was less then fiveish days and i quickly concluded that anything "creative" would take too long to execute so I just thought "go for the crowd pleaser scenes" or at least something i would at least watch through once and enjoy on some sort of level.

    The result is a rushed amalgamation of various game cut scenes with basic editing. I gave up on deadset beat sync because it would take to long and focused on subtle mood(noob) sync except for the intro bit where i was stuck on what to do. DBZ and Eva were chosen as predominant sources because well they are DBZ and EVA. The other scenes were included because they fell into other eye candyish categories (eg. mech, rpg, swords, explosion). Music choice was based on the ambiguousness of an instrumental, its climatic nature and im kinda a sucker for brass. Most of the grunt work was for getting the DBZ footage from the wii game and exporting a final copy of the AMV. The editing time was very minor in comparison.

    It was all just a bit of fun

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