Video Information


  • Member: Haunter103
  • Title: Incandescent Allies
  • Premiered: 2008-04-19
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Glo Friends Opening Theme
  • Anime:
  • Comments: I made this over 2 years ago now, for a multi-editor project which unofficially tanked. I hung onto the two entries I made in hopes that the project would eventually be revived but I gave up hope on that some time ago and they basically became ace-in-the-hole/last resort entries to any contest that I wasn't prepared enough to make a video in time for.

    I submitted the other one to ANorth 2008 and I figured i would just release this one along with it, no sense in keeping it in reserve anymore.

    This is another show that aired in the same time block as Potato Head Kids and My Little Pony and some other show about some fairies or something. It's about little glowing forest bugs and their day-to-day lives or some such thing. It's been awhile and I don't remember much of it, but I remember a scene from the Christmas special where all the Glo Worms (I think the toy line was called Glo Worms) and Santa and his reindeer and possibly some other woodland creatures were trapped on a raft on a river heading staight for a waterfall. I don't remember the outcome or even the leadup to that scenario but it was good times.

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