Video Information


  • Member: Brakus
  • Title: Earth's Last Hope
  • Premiered: 2008-08-08
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • Hoobastank Without a Fight
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: The basic gist: Vegeta and Nappa come to Earth to wreak havoc and cause death and destruction.... and when some of the Z warriors fall to the duo, Goku is Earth's Last Hope.

    DBZ is a show that's almost 20 years old, but it's only just the past couple years that I finally got into the show. (It's weird because I used to hate the show immensely, and now I like it a lot.) I have only breached some good parts of the Saiyan/Vegeta Saga (Season 1). There's lots more good stuff in Season 1 and the Goku/Vegeta fight, and that's for you to discover. Yes, I used the "remastered" Season 1 discs, but they're the best and only affordable footage I can get. This video is just some good, pure upbeat action, and I hope it gets you to get up and do something! :) Lord knows I did a lot of work on this one - I worked on this video off and on for 3 months before finally finishing it in time for the Otakon 2008 AMV deadline. Who knew that a fast-paced action-driven video would take so many cuts and splices to put together? :)

    I sent this video for Otakon's AMV contest in 2008. Somehow, it made the final cut! (It placed 4th out of 23 in the pre-screenings, and 3rd in the popular vote at Otakon.) When I watched this at Otakon for the first time, lots of people murmured "uh-oh" and "oh no!" upon reading the title card and seeing DBZ as the source. Once the video started playing, I caught their attention and held onto it for the entire 3 1/2 minutes of the video. After the Saturday showing, I asked some people at (semi-)random about the videos they liked. I would go, "So how'd you like that Dragonball video, huh?" Completely unprompted other than my question, many people really liked it. It's memorable for at least one part of the video ("That Moment"), to say the least! I was also genuinely surprised that most of the pre-screening participants enjoyed my video, especially from some relatively well-known editors. I feel that this video is a labor of love to a show that I once despised. Season 1 certainly reeled in viewers and still brings them in today with things like Daizenshuu EX, DBZ Abridged, and certain Internet memes. I am absolutely thrilled that I made finals with this video at Otakon after 4 previous years. Enjoy.

    So far, only one person got the reference in the title. Can you figure out the reference as well? :)

    (A quick shoutout to Mike LaBrie and Meri Cantoni, whom I consider my "silent" consultants and mentors, because they turned me on to Dragon Ball Z in the first place, and helped me out in a few things on this video without even realizing it. Thank you for all you do.)

Opinions (1)
