Video Information


  • Member: Kai Stromler
  • Studio: Shin Hatsubai/Kuroi Kenshi
  • Title: peloton
  • Premiered: 2008-11-28
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Mad Fret Sunflower (instrumental)
  • Anime:
  • Comments: More than a year with no new video, and this is all there is to show for it?

    The seeds of the idea for SH110 go back to April of 2007, much of which I spent out in the field, and much of that time was spent in South Korea, where I came across the sources for this video. There was some degree of eat-what-you-kill synergy, as Nasu was, I think, the only anime that I picked up, but the last track on Mad Fret's EP, rather than anything from Magwi, Crash, or Shaman (other Korean heavy bands worth looking into), was what it matched with, and the idea stayed current even as weeks stretched into months, months into years, and the urge to make something came back again in November of 2008.

    As befits a semi-restart, this is a pretty straightforward video without a lot of frills or unnecessary flourishes. It can be read as either pure action or story-driven, but doesn't follow the plot of the source quite exactly, or cover all of it. Effects are limited to transitions, some triggered strobes, and speed manipulation; nothing fancy.

    Shin Hats self-grade: B. Not a world beater, but at least it's getting back on the right foot.
    stats: # clips: 113. avg. length: 1.58 seconds per cut. total time: 11 hours.

    about the music: Mad Fret is probably the least heavy band recording on Jusin, but they're decent all the same. This Korean female quintet plays around with tropes from nu-metal and v-kei, but still in the end plays mostly strong, straight-ahead heavy rock. Looking for them outside their homeland by other than special-order is probably a vain endeavor. The track used for this video is, as mentioned, the last cut on their debut EP, and an instrumental version of a song that appears with lyrics earlier on the CD.

    The music under the trailer card is taken from "'Til Paradise" by Autumn Above, who deserve more recognition than I can give them.

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