Video Information


  • Member: Kristyrat
  • Studio: Visualized Nightmare Studios
  • Title: Damascus Steel
  • Premiered: 2008-08-10
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Ill Niņo Corazon of Mine
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: Hmmm, where to begin?

    Ileia's Sword of the Stranger video made me want to sit down and crank out a solid, rough and tumble, kickass action video, and I had the opportunity to work on it for the AWA Pro competition. I started it around May, worked on it when I was visiting everyone in Chicago for ACen and then on and off until the Pro deadline. Made it on the disks, turned out to be one of the few action videos on there (guess that's why it made it to the finals?). I wasn't entirely happy with the version I sent to pro, there were some things I wanted to change, and some sequences I wanted to test out and just didn't have the time to test. So I worked on it more, on and off, until mid-December when I just bit the bullet and wrapped up the rest and made the credits.

    I like the credits the best.

    I don't have much to say in regards to the "story" or direction of the video, I was really trying for something very loosely directed, with just a ton of action. Essentially, I wanted to make something fun to watch, something akin to the "fly by the seat of your pants" experience that I felt watching Ileia's vid. Whether or not I achieved this is up to you, so much of this hobby is subjective, so I won't try and convince people that what I think is right and they're wrong, just go with the flow.

    Sit back and enjoy?


Opinions (2)
