Video Information


  • Member: Miracle_Falcon
  • Title: Tasukete
  • Premiered: 2008-12-31
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Hawthorne Heights Rescue Me
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: Well, here we are. I believe this is my fifteenth AMV, and I've come a long way since I made my first. Glad about that, at least. In this one, I learned how to make sure that the video plays widescreen and all that - it's about time.

    Okay, so where I got my inspiration for this AMV. Part of it was simply having time on my hands - I've been itching to make an AMV, any AMV, for months, but I've been bogged down with work. However, my first Christmas break in college left me out of school earlier than a lot of my friends, and gave me a lot of time. So I figured I'd make a video. Problem was that I didn't particularly feel it at first - I made another AMV to another Hawthorne Heights song, "We Are So Last Year," to the previous season of Ef, and so I'd picked this one a few months ago, just because I felt like it fit a tradition. There are other reasons I choose this song, of course, but more on that later. Sitting on that inspiration made it a bit stale, so revving myself up to make this video was a pain.

    I got a kick in the pants the day before I finished it. Set aside a whole day and did a little less than half the song in about 24 hours, and it's the section of the video that I'm the most pleased with. I wasn't proud of this AMV before, but I was after that. Things came together well.

    Another piece of motivation for the AMV was actually because I thought Kuze and Mizuki's arc would be... a bit different. I thought *SPOILER ALERT* that Kuze would die. Well, when he didn't, that kinda threw a wrench into the plans. When Yuuko died, however... Well, that's around when I started making the video. I actually didn't have a solid plan for how to use the clips at that point, and it wouldn't be 'til after the last episode aired that I really got a solid idea for it. Needless to say, the song "Rescue Me" was originally picked with Kuze in mind mostly. Oddly, he ended up not being the big part of this AMV.

    One of the big effects in this video is the use of text. Let's face it, most people don't like the use of text, but I think I actually have a decent reason for shoving it into this video: the use of text on screen is a recurring theme in Ef, one that I continue in this video. Similarly, I also use German text in parts of the song. Rescue Me translated into Retten Sie Mich, for instance. I also figured this was close enough to the Japanese word "Tasukete," which is usually translated as "Help me," but it seems synonymous enough with "Rescue Me," so I decided that'd be the video's title. Besides this, Mizuki saying it in the anime adds another level of significance.

    I only really used ONE clip from the last episode of Memories. I didn't file it under spoilers because it doesn't really give anything away, and it isn't particularly relevant to the plot of Memories. Melodies, on the other hand, is THOROUGHLY spoiled in this video, so if you don't wanna know about that, don't watch.

    So then, I could probably go on and on, but I'm tired, and I feel like I'm writing poorly. Here it is, my latest AMV, uploaded at the beginning of the last day of 2008. Happy New Year's - though it's too bad I didn't have this video ready in time for Christmas. Wouldn't that have been appropriate?

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