Video Information


  • Member: drewaconclusion
  • Studio: "It's a Trap!" Productions
  • Title: Colossalcon 2009 AMV Wars Qualifier
  • Premiered: 2009-06-05
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • Chicago Saturday In The Park
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This was made for Colossalcon 2009's AMV Wars Qualifier. This happened to be my first time making an IC video.

    For the qualifier, I was emailed a song to make a video to (Chicago's "Saturday In The Park") and given one week to make it using whatever anime I felt like using. Since I've never done an IC video before, I decided to restrict myself to only editing for 2 hours to get practice for the actual competition.

    After getting the email and listening to the song, I decided to go for more of a literal lyric sync approach and chose 2x2 = Shinobuden as my source. I'm a little surprised at how it came out, considering this was a song I would've never thought to edit to. Anyhow, I wound up being picked as one of the two competitors for this year's AMV Wars.

    On a sidenote, with the literal lyric sync, I realize the footage for the "ice cream" scene isn't ice cream; but it's all I could come up with in that time frame to fit there.

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