Video Information


  • Members: Nygmatech Enterprises, Angelyco, Incanus1225
  • Studio: Lawrence Productions
  • Title: There Is No Maka, Only Zuul!
  • Premiered: 2009-08-10
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Armcannon Bhost Gusters
  • Anime:
  • Comments: First things first, we won Otakon. Both comedy and Best in Show. Yay us! Along with this, I came home with a lot of shiny new anime to watch. One of them was Soul Eater, which I was previously reading in the fine publication known as Yen Plus. Look it up sometime. But anyway, before the con, I was curious to see if anyone on Youtube happened to make a heavier version of the Ghostbusters theme. I'm still playing the game, you see, and I needed some kick ass background music. Lo and behold, I find a very nerdy band called Armcannon (a Megaman joke). They've also done the fight music from FF7 everybody knows. Look 'em up.

    Also, four endorsements in one paragraph. Now I can get paid. nobody.

    I don't know quite how it happened, but I put 1 and 1 together. So, here we are, trying to prove that we're not rusty anymore and we CAN do more than one video a year again. It's also our first action video in... ages. I can't remember the last time we did one. I also notice that now that now that I remember how to perform successful transparencies, I'm using them all the time. I hope that I'm not OVERusing them. Please let me know if I am.

    Hope to have another one out soon. Hope to have a website up too.

    Thanks for watching.

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