Video Information


  • Member: Kai Stromler
  • Studio: Shin Hatsubai/Kuroi Kenshi
  • Title: Knee Deep In Disease
  • Premiered: 2009-12-07
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Parasitic Extirpation Stabwound Symmetry
  • Anime:
  • Comments: As far as I was able to determine, this is the first "slam" death metal AMV to exist. It probably could have come out a little better, given that status, and anyone in the drawing-Devourment-maggots-on-everything camp is probably going to get their shorts twisted up about the video source, but it is what it is.

    SH112 selfsuggested while watching Moyashimon because I was actively looking for a project to turn into the "official slam AMV" while knocking off the rust that comes of not doing a metal AMV in nearly a year. The idea quickly made it to the top of the to-do list when it became clear just how much this video would cut itself together, beating out some potential competing ideas based on Dysentery, Sexcrement, Composted, and one Sentenced idea that wasn't really working and was in no way slam-based. This also became the first SH video done in HD, and incidentally the first "full" (more than two minutes of videographed music) AMV using Moyashimon as the main source kind of by accident.

    There is a rudimentary plot in this video, depending on how you look at it; most of the point of the scene selection, though, is primarily done to either provide or set up for maximum brutality. Hence, violence, pooping, disease everywhere, gouts of unidentifiable decomposing slime, things dead and buried, vomiting, and an old man slurping a bird's innards out through its anus. In other words, death metal. Unfortunately, there isn't a "wikked fahkin br00tal khed" category in the options available, so the ones the video is flagged with currently will kind of have to do. Casual viewers should also be prepared for some fairly extreme and uncut death metal; if NWOSDM has led you down the garden path and you can handle JFAC and/or Cannibal Corpse now and again, be aware that this is a significant step up in grade, but go ahead and watch the video anyway.

    Effects are somewhat minimal in this video, depending on your definition of effects. If triggered strobes are included, there are a crapload of them, used mostly to beat the viewer into submission when Alex is playing a blastbeat section. Otherwise, a few weird things and some unnecessary abuse of Magix's "sand" filter, mostly on the solo sections. Most of the acceleration initially planned for this video was taken out due to the limitations of the editing environment; what got left in (and ended up interlaced) was left in intentionally due to the final effect working well in the context of the video.

    Shin Hats self-grade: B. This video isn't going to set the world on fire, but it's pretty solidly executed and hits almost all the fundamentals for a successful death metal video.
    stats: # clips: 207. average length: 0.82 seconds. total time: 48.5 hours.

    About the music: Parasitic Extirpation is a slammy death metal band from eastern Massachusetts and somewhat of a supergroup, rolling in members of noted slam/death/grind acts Proteus, Dysentery, Sexcrement, Porphyria, The Taste of Silver, Raising Kubrick, and also tech-metallists 3 Headed Monster. Lead guitarist Chis Kessaris is the one in this last-mentioned act, and it's an excerpt from his performance of Fernando Sor's "Etude in B minor" that plays under the credits. This song follows "Stabwound Symmetry" on the band's demo EP Knee Deep In Disease, which is also self-evidently where the title of the video comes from. The band got signed to Sevared Records recently and are currently working on a debut full-length that may or may not include this song, but you should be able to find their demo online, on their myspace or elsewhere, without a great degree of difficulty.

    About the anime: Moyashimon, translated as "Tales of Agriculture" for .org purposes, is an unlicensed (at the time of this writing) and somewhat under-realized anime that probably worked better as comics than beaten into barely eleven episodes. It would be better served by a full series, but nobody's going to front the money to do that for a fairly serious slice-of-life show about students in the microbiology department of an ag school and the various weird and occasionally disgusting problems they get themselves into. This is not as DIY as anime gets, but it is as reasonably DIY as it's feasible to make a video with decent production values with.

    Both the local and indirect are MPEG-4 files; if you have difficulties playing them back, you might look into Mplayer/MPUI. If your main video playback station is Mac or Unix-based, you should have native support. The HD-ness should not be a problem; if you can play back h264 at 480p, you should be able to play back 720p, which should be the case for any machine with a half-decent graphics card built since about 2004.

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