Video Information


  • Member: Chiiisus
  • Studio: Re-Evolution Studios
  • Title: Taking Chances
  • Premiered: 2010-05-31
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Glee cast Taking Chances
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Quick edit, purely for fun, nothing too awesome. xD

    'Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay, it's not yet the end.'

    I finished this, because it meant something to me at the time I guess. Now I feel myself again, and I want to thank everyone who wrote something nice in the comments. :3

    This isn't exactly a good video but I really had fun making it, plus the decision to finish only came late last night and I finished it this afternoon so don't expect anything amazing or anything.

    This video is mostly for Dia.(Laerium) Through all my bad times, she was there. She has shouted at me when I was emo'ing and blaming myself on things. Helped me when I was at my breaking point. She's really an amazing friend, she's like my sister. Anyway, She has been my friend throughout my youtube 'life' type thing and I value her friendship more than anything, she's the most understanding person I know and I feel lucky to have her as a friend, so yuh. Dia, ilu! :3

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