Video Information


  • Member: Creative Name
  • Title: Pandasexual
  • Premiered: 2010-04-23
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Harajuku Can You Feel the Love Tonight
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: The AMV is my baby :D Let me start by saying that I was blown away by how awesome Nerima Daikon Brothers was. After seeing it, I vowed one day to make and Nerima Daikon Brothers AMV. I even had the concept and the title before anything. It was going to be very panda related and the title would be "Pandasexual," which is what Chris Patton used to describe Ichiro's sexual preference at the NDB fan panel an Anime Central... 2007 I think I want to say. Well, whenever he was there last :P Fast forward a few years to where I finally had some software and the time to do it. The concept was pretty obvious, but I didn't really have a song to go with it. That was until I heard this epic remix of Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Thus, the idea was solidified, and all that was left was the physical labor.

    I cut clips of Pandaikon, Ichiro, and Yukika thinking that I would not have enough footage for an entire AMV, but in the end, Yukika got the axe. There will always be that option in the future,

    ...I didn't even think about doing the cheesy strobe effects at the beginning of the video until it was almost done. I thought "I wonder if Premiere will let me do this". XD As you can tell, I am not very learnded in the visual arts and multimedia technology.

    At least I LoL'd, and I hope other people LoL, too. You never know what people will find funny.

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