Video Information


  • Member: Bebop0083
  • Studio: Rejuvination Studios
  • Title: Netherworld Revenge Revisited
  • Premiered: 2011-06-14
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Megumi Hayashibara Gloria
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments:

    This is a remake of my old video Netherworld Revenge. This time I tried to show some different stuff and fix things that were wrong with the original. The original had a lot of syncing issues so I went back and fixed those and getting rid of stuff that didn't work. I had to pretty much rework the entire thing from scratch to get the results I wanted and added in new effects. The only thing that I kept from the original was the Kurama/Kuronue past sequence. I tried remaking the sequence my self but couldn't get how my original was so I just decided to keep it. It was pretty much the only good thing about the original. I also gave Hiei more action sequences this time around since he was cut out of the most screen time. The hardest problem for me though on this video was the overlaying sequences. I had a lot of trouble just getting them right.

    The plot pretty much goes as the movie but I tell it in a different way. I tried to give the characters a lot of motivation behind their reasons for fighting the bad guys. Everything else was changed to match my current style of editing plus a new ending without the horrible dub at the end! For those who are fans of YYH I hope you enjoy it. Also special thanks to Cornwiggle for helping me out on this vid. If it wasn't for him then this remake would have really faultered.

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