Video Information


  • Member: Haunter103
  • Studio: Corndog Vidvids
  • Title: Creature Engine
  • Premiered: 2012-05-26
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Sesame Street Rubber Ducky (German Remix)
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: This was my entry into Anime North's Challenge category of 2012. The challenge was to make an AMV using a song from a language other than english or japanese.

    I got the track from Fall_Child42. I actually wasn't really expecting to enter, and on the night of the deadline I though.. why not give it a shot? So I tossed this together in 3 hours and it really shows.

    I'm not really sure what I was thinking at the time, but it took every fibre of my being NOT to try and lip sync it, because there's no way I would have made the deadline if I had.

    Also, aside from doing the single-frame roto of the duck in AE, all the effects were done in premiere. In light of that, the effects actually didn't turn out to bad.. taking them for what they are.

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