Video Information


  • Member: Magicflier
  • Title: Just Being Everywhere
  • Premiered: 2012-11-29
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Michelle Branch everywhere
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments:

    YouTube Description:
    Inconsistent AMV is inconsistent.

    First half was done in December 2011, and the second half was completed recently aka November 2012. This was originally for toya last year but i dropped it. Then I saw that i still had that vegas file from a year ago, so i thought i'd pick it up again and force myself to finish it just for this day (barely made it through)! Such a sad story, right?!
    It was also originally my part for a worm MEP for secret santa. After dropping halfway i changed it and fixed it up that would overlap with my child's likes, but don't think she even loved it seeing that there wasn't any kind of comment about it... Another sad story, oh boy. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
    I'M GLAD THAT I HAD SOME FORCE IN ME TO FINISH THIS, unlike what happened to my "Dreamer" video which i killed, (╥﹏╥)/ so you people should be happy!

    To Toya;
    WELL, I HOPE YOU LOVE THIS GIFT, SADLY THIS ISNT A BLACK ROCK SHOOTER (TV) VIDEO but i'm sure that you love this song XD! Hope you have a great party Toya...-sempai
    This person, respected by a lot of friends, a friend that would would be lucky to have with you (I'm proud to be a friend of hers for so long, probably over two years now) and is a reliable girl. Always enthusiastic, she shines really brightly you know!

    As for the AMV's story, interpret it however you want it, but if i were to explain it in a sentence, it would be: "Misunderstandings and insecurities can always easily appear first to those who are new to love."

    ...For whoever read down to this point, thank you for your time (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

    CONTEST UPDATES- (I'm a finalist in all contests listed in "Participation" above)

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