Video Information


  • Member: Melichan923
  • Title: Friends Forever
  • Premiered: 2012-04-07
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Eve 6 Here's to the Night
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments:

    Convention Participation/Awards:
    Anime Expo 2012 - Best Drama
    Animazement 2012 - Best Drama
    Anime Mid Atlantic 12 - Second Place/Runner Up Drama (Tie-breaker round)
    AnimeNEXT 2012 - Runner Up/Second Place Drama
    Anime North 2012 - Bronze Medal

    Fanime 2012 - Drama Finalist
    Akon 2012 - Drama Finalist Master's division (Never confirmed as there was never a finalist list posted. If anyone could confirm that this was indeed a finalist please let me know.)

    Anime Boston 2012 Drama Overflow (Formerly known as "Tomorrow's Too Soon")

    Date Completed: May 05, 2012. An earlier version premiered at Anime Boston in April, but I made changes to it.

    The Inspiration/Concept

    Spoilers below!

    After watching Ano Hana I knew I was going to make an AMV to it. The night I finished it I browsed through my whole entire mp3 and CD collections to find the perfect song. The first song that I thought of was "Here's to the Night" by Eve 6, but it being years since I'd last heard it I quickly dismissed the song as not being what I wanted and kept looking. I came out empty handed. I listed to song after song... I was looking for a particular sound and theme. The Eve 6 song kept popping in my head as an option for a few days, so I finally listened to it for the first time in years. I could do nothing but picture the fireworks scene at the instrumental part at about the 3 minute mark. Despite possibly having a whole different meaning, the lyrics fit quite well and could describe a story about friendship and saying goodbye to loved ones... and that was exactly what I was looking for. I had found my song. The lyrical line that really stood out to me and sealed the deal to make an AMV with it was "In a day and a day, Love, I'm gonna be gone for good again."

    And so it started. :)

    Some challenges:

    I learn a lot with each video I edit, but this one I felt gave me the most new experiences and challenges. Ano Hana is a very short series. Normally, I have an idea of most of the scenes that are going in the timeline before I can put them in there to edit. I can't tell you how many times I switched scenes for every lyric until I found the perfect ones for this. The biggest contributor to that was the lyrics are so... abstract and unusual. The good thing about that was that they could take on a few different meanings. It was really difficult to find scenes that would fit in but still contribute to the storyline in some way. A song with lyrics like this was so different from something I'd normally edit with. There was a lot of minor and major masking and lipflap removal involved.

    I had a lot of converting issues with this. MP4 does not like me very much. It was my first time working editing with 1080p footage too and that probably didn't help. Finding the space and getting clips did not come with the same amount of ease that it usually does.

    I was pretty close to not finishing this a few times, but vinylfreak89 was there to save my sanity. :) Thank you, Aaron!

    Thank you to:

    >Aaron/vinylfreak89 - You know very well this video wouldn't have been possible without your help. I owe a lot to you. Thanks for all the advice, tips, and hours staying up trying to help me convert it in time for all those deadlines.

    >Those who voted for Friends Forever for Best Drama at Anime Expo 2012 - Huge dream come true. :')

    >Troy - for believing in my editing abilities, giving me constructive criticism a few years back about another AMV submission back in 2009 and for making the award show so memorable.

    >l33tmeatwad and drewaconclusion - and also everyone else who helped me with all the millions of converting issues I had with converting.

    > And of course anyone who takes the time to watch my video/rate/leave me an opinion/etc.!

    Video Download Info

    Direct Download 1 - 1080p - Larger filesize but outstanding visual quality. For quality lovers. 189 MB.

    Direct Download 2 - 480p - Standard definition. Medium/Low quality for those that have issues with higher resolutions or larger file sizes. 58 MB.

    Local Download - 720p - Good trade off between size and quality. 96 MB.

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