Video Information


  • Member: Chocobuddha
  • Studio: CrackRabbit Studios
  • Title: The Terrible Mr. Papacha
  • Premiered: 2003-06-25
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Unknown The Terrible Mr. Grimshaw
  • Anime:
  • Comments: **WARNING: This AMV contains brief Barbie-doll-style nudity in a non-sexual context. Also, it contains the most cuss words ever included in a song. Download it ONLY if neither of those cause your head to explode. Or to send me annoying e-mails. Which would be far worse. For me. Yeah.**

    I hate this video. How's that for a comment?

    I dropped it for three months and it almost killed my desire to create AMVs ever again (no great loss for the world, I'm sure). But hey, that's what going into a project with no concept will do to you.

    Yes, the beginning is horrible. Over half the time spent on this video was spent trying to figure out what to do for that laughing segment. As you can see, it was time wasted.

    Yes, there are two stray frames very near the end. Somehow, I missed them until I had exported and encoded to satisfaction. I will never go back to fix it.

    Yes, there are a million other things wrong. But I just don't care anymore.

    Why did I complete this video, you ask? Because I don't want to leave a project unfinished.

    Why did I upload this video, you ask? To make ChaosProjects' AMVCK2 look better. I thought the song would go well with Photon, alone. My bad.

    Sigh, now I must cope with the realization that I can never reach the level of Zarxrax. Boo hoo. T_T

    [Edit: Oh, ho! Before uploading the video completely, I decided to do a bit more work on it. Tightened up some of the timing and changed the laughing segment at the beginning. I cheated a bit, though. I was going to just lop it right off, but settled on speeding it up 400% instead. Trust me, it's WAY better than it was before. -_-;]

Opinions (2)
