Video Information


  • Member: Kisanzi
  • Studio: Visualized Nightmare Studios
  • Title: Snowball Genocide
  • Premiered: 2013-09-30
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Montee & Junky Sound Royal Taste (Jan Waterman Remix)
  • Anime:
  • Comments: -Winner: Best Fun at Anime Expo 2014-
    -Winner: Best Fun/Upbeat at Anime Boston 2014-
    -Winner: Best Fun/Upbeat at Anime Evolution 2014-

    This video was initially made for the Project Orgeditor 2013 Online Tournament hosted on The theme the competitors had to follow was to create a video that embodied one of the four seasons. Oddly enough, this was my first idea for the theme and was heavily inspired by the snowball fight scene from the movie, "Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs", where flint is aggressively pelting small children with snowballs. So initially this video was supposed to just be a short bit that followed me lip-syncing all the dialogue from the movie to the characters. Once I was ready to get started, I dropped the dialogue/lipsync idea since it didn't give me a whole lot of creative freedom. Being a big fan of electro music, I then decided to grab a fitting song and started making the most over-the-top snowball action video I could portray. The sync in this video was way too much fun and kept me thoroughly entertained while I was editing it. The initial video was only 2 minutes long due to the one week deadline of the contest. However, I received a fair amount of feedback from people about the fun they had watching the video, so I decided to pick it back up and re-edit it into a full length AMV.

    This video marks the hardest time I had finding footage for an AMV. There is no sure fire way to find snowball fights in anime unless the episode specifically states it in the title. So I spent many hours surfing google, youtube, and other websites trying to ascertain the title of more anime with snowball fight scenes. I'm happy I did this, because it led to me finding some very fun, obscure shows that have made my "I have to watch" list.

    Anyways, I had a great time making this video. Thank you to all those who voiced their support for the video that motivated me to re-edit it and extend it into a full length video. I hope you enjoy the new version and thanks for watching!

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