Video Information


  • Member: MinetChan
  • Title: Juno
  • Premiered: 2014-05-16
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Juno - Movie Trailer Trailer Audio
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments:

    Kumoricon 2014
    Best Trailer

    Anime Central 2014
    Best in Show

    Holiday Matsuri 2014
    Best Trailer

    Hoshicon 2014
    Best Fun/Upbeat/Other

    Newcon 2015
    Best Trailer

    Being my first attempt at trailer/parody material, I have to say this was a huge success. I learned so much from the project, and it was the first time I ever dabbled in manipulating scenes extensively. Turning Rikka into Juno was just so much fun (especially making her look pregnant)! After many rage inducing nights, this Parody has actually triggered AMV-editing dreams in my sleep. No joke...

    I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, or if I'm truly going insane, but thankfully I seem to have no need for medication!

    Anyways, this first started out as a pretty weak idea. I was completely unsure if I could even pull it off. It's hard for me to even recall how it all came together. It just happened.

    My biggest struggles included lipsyncing and rotoscoping. Both were equally tough and tested my patience. The "First Victim" Greg, was my faithful beta tester through and through. I really don't know what I would have done without his support. A big shout out to him and his help!

    All in all, it was an adventure worth taking. I killed my brain cells over rotoscoping and lipsyncing, but it was definitely worth the hours I invested into this project.

    Buckle up! I really hope you all enjoy this BUMPY ride!

    The Most Notorious Scenes
    (in chronological order)

    Note to self, lipsyncing tiny mouths is not fun and should be avoided at all costs.

    Rotoscoping, keyframing, and pregnancy test craziness! Need I say more?

    So much effort went into the 2 second newspaper clipping. Getting the right proportions and clips, panning the screenshot, and then adding hair on top of Makoto really drained me.

    I am still baffled at how I manipulated this scene. First taking a screenshot of Nagisa's (from Clannad) baby bump, I ended up stitching on Rikka's school uniform. I also had to rotoscope Makoto into position as well.

    Not as hard as the others, but it still amazed me at how I totally twisted the scene!

    Fun Facts

    *Actually, half way through, I realized that large portions of the trailer audio featured anxiety-ridden parentals. That is when Akio and Sanae came to the rescue! They are probably my favorite parents in anime, and it just seemed right giving them this role.

    *The teddy bears at (1:04) are based off of the newspaper clipping of the "Baby Starved Wingnuts". Within the newspaper, the little blurb down below states that, "The child will be raised in a loving atmosphere full of laughter, learning and teddy bears."

    *I used scenes from NANA including, the ultrasound image, doctors room, and ripples of water.

Opinions (2)
