Video Information


  • Member: Bebop0083
  • Studio: Samurai Warriors Productions
  • Title: Tapion's Darkness
  • Premiered: 2015-06-12
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Yuichi Ikusawa Warriors
  • Anime:
  • Comments:

    I've always wanted to use this song but never had a good idea enough to get it off the ground. My original idea for this came about around 2007 era or so maybe even 2009. It's been so long I can't remember. I wanted to use the anime Outlaw Star for it but never managed to do it. It wasn't until later that I came up with an idea to use it for Tapion from DBZ. So this video is mainly about him fighting his demons and of course Goku having to clean up his mess. When I first saw DBZ movie 13 it was one of my least favorite movies since it didn't have a whole lot of action and amazingly had some character development, mainly Tapion. I wish they came up with a back story for how Goku pulled a new move out of his ass though. Those were the main things that distracted me from liking the film. But later on I began to like the movie more and more as I watched it. So eventually I got around to doing an amv on this movie.

    I really liked how this came out. I tried to sync the song as best as I could. This is not a remake of any of my previous videos. Just an idea that I came up with long ago that I wanted to see done.

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