Video Information


  • Member: TnAdct1
  • Studio: Toon Addict Productions
  • Title: Pokemon Kanibaru
  • Premiered: 2017-01-01
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Camille Saint-Saëns Carnival of the Animals
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Pokemon Kanibaru was an idea that first came to mind back when I first got into the concept of AMV's back in 2001. Around that time, not only was I watching Pokemon on a regular basis, but I also owned a copy of Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 on DVD. Given this combination, I had a thought that The Carnival of the Animals - Finale (aka the piece that was used in the Fantasia 2000 segment about the flamingo with the yoyo) would fit well with Pokemon. Fast forward fifteen years later, when I already have a few AMV's under my belt. With Pokemon celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2016 (and the anime turning 20 the following year), this idea once again returned to my consciousness, and with the Indigo League season being available at a reasonable price, I finally got to work on this video.

    When it came time to edit the video, I decided to split the song into different sections, with the introduction serving as an intro to Ash and Pikachu, the sections of the main melody being split into smaller parts that reflect different themes of the show (the first part reflects the basic themes of capturing Pokemon and using them in gym battles, while the second part focuses on the cuter "regular character" Pokemon and the recurring comical bits of the show), and the changes in melody telling the story of Team Rocket's attempts to capture Pikachu. Also, rather than the usual "piecing together the puzzle" style of editing that I'm accustomed to, most of the video was edited in chronological order (although there was one moment near the end that I knew I was going to incorporate in the video and put that scene in early on).

    Happy 20th Anniversary, Pokemon (both the video game and the anime)!!!

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