Video Information


  • Member: Radical_Yue
  • Studio: Corndog Vidvids
  • Title: Convalesce
  • Premiered: 2017-09-02
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Said the Sky Show & Tell (feat. Claire Ridgely)
  • Anime:
  • Comments: So I was going through a bunch of music one night when I found this song. I hadn't seen A Silent Voice or any AMVs with it yet (I hadn't been watching stuff for a bit) but I had this faint feeling that the combo might work well. The same night I found the song I grabbed the movie, watched it, and fell in love with it.
    I avoided watching any and all AMVs with the source while working on the video since after scanning the internet for about 5 seconds I saw it was THE source to use. I really wanted to do my own thing just for me, so that's what I did. It heavily focuses on Shouko and her side of things. I really identified with Shouya on a personal level but her story hurt me; the way she tried so hard to reach out and was just shut down. The second someone gives her a chance they see what a beautiful person she is. It really broke me.
    I tried to do a contrast of showing past and present. The climax, while being the climax of the movie, tries to highlight how those past scars can follow you, no matter how much you've tried to erase them. But at the same time, it's never too late to reach out and start again.

    I know the video will be hard to follow for those unfamiliar but hopefully those who have seen the movie will enjoy it enough. :p

    Massive thanks to ailynerie, Aerialesque, and Kisanzi for beta testing and of course President Matt Damon for being an A++ Mercy Main.

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