Video Information


  • Members: Kazemon15, moezy-chan
  • Studio: Espace Studios
  • Title: KyoAni: For Life
  • Premiered: 2019-08-03
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • The Verve Pipe Freshmen
  • Anime:
  • Comments: This is a collab between me and Moezy, here's what she has to say about it, as she came to me for it. I hope you all enjoy. I had tracks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 with Beyond the Boundary, A Silent Voice and Kanon and Moezy had tracks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 with Haruhi, Air and Clannad: After Story.


    I wanted to edit this song for a very long time. I had originally thought of using Clannad but kept putting it off because I didn't think I had enough footage. When I heard of the tragedy of Kyoto Animation Studios I wanted to do a tribute to the victims as well as the families of the victims. Main reason for this, I recently experienced grief, when I lost my father in November. Kaze also lost her mother 6 years ago and that's why I invited her to help me with this project.

    Granted we both knew our parents were going to pass away due to health issues as opposed to the families that didn't know they would lose their loved ones. Regardless of that you still miss the person when they pass. The more you love someone, the greater your grief is. For this reason I wanted to focus on making this an amv that focuses heavily on grief.

    The reality of grief is that you can start mourning the death of someone before they die. I can just picture families going to the hospital and seeing the person they said goodbye to that morning laying in bed hooked up to tubes and ventilators and fearing for the worst! This amv is very bittersweet but also we wanted to show that even in tragedy there is hope! My prayers go out to all the people that have suffered from this horrible attack and that one day they can rebuild their studio and bring even more hope to the anime community.

    KyoAni Sentai Filmworks GoFunMe:

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