Video Information


  • Member: TnAdct1
  • Studio: Toon Addict Productions
  • Title: KyoAniNoon
  • Premiered: 2019-11-01
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Disney Afternoon Disney Afternoon Theme
  • Anime:
  • Comments: The origins of this video date back to when AWA 2019 was starting to take entries for the VAT, and I learned that Pro and Masters videos are not allowed to be shown at other conventions that weekend (yes, I actually wanted to have my Pro entry be shown at another convention, although it would be part of an 18+ contest). As such, having a presence at other cons that weekend (outside of submitting my Endro video) would require making another video.

    Coming up with another video in such a short period of time wasn't going to be easy, as:

    1. One AMV idea that I had since Otakon wouldn't be ready in time as one ideal source wasn't doing anything for me, and the other planned source that I considered won't be usable until 2020.

    2. I couldn't get my hands on a decent version of a song that I wanted to use for another project (I wanted the original version of the song rather than a cover version that had changes to the lyrics)

    3. A couple of video ideas that I had, while it looked promising in my mind, just didn't pan out when it came time to edit.

    However, I then remembered something: I was putting together an AMV panel for Anime USA that focused on videos using audio from Disney sources. Meanwhile, I also wanted to do a Kyoto Animation tribute video in light of the arson attack that killed a number of crew members (I had considered a more serious idea, but I felt that it wouldn't work with my editing skills). Furthermore, I've always wanted to do a video that sets the work of one anime studio to the theme song of a block of children's programming produced by one studio. The end result: setting the works of KyoAni to the theme to The Disney Afternoon.

    Similar to Yonkoma Heaven, a lot of time went into something I refer to as research. While I was familiar with a number of KyoAni titles, there were still a few big ones that I haven't watched yet and either needed to go through the shows to get an idea of what to use or look online to learn which episode has a certain scene that I want to use. At the same time, I also had the idea of using some of their projects that most anime fans aren't familiar with. As a result, the video has another parallel to Yonkoma Heaven, as my research on their lesser known works led to me finding an anime that I knew that I had to make an AMV to (Acchi Kocchi for Yonkoma; Baja no Studio for KyoAni).

    Additional Notes About the Video Can Be Found Here:

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