Video Information


  • Member: Hagaren Viper
  • Studio: Hagaren Studios
  • Title: Lionhearts - This Is A Call
  • Premiered: 2023-03-27
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Thousand Foot Krutch This Is A Call
  • Anime:
  • Comments: 22 years later and the story of Jeri and Takato (and by extension Leomon) still gets me right in the feels. Right in the heart. Just like how Leomon died, yuk yuk yuk.

    I really gave my all for this one, and went way further with it than I initially expected - including re-creating a scene that I forgot didn't actually exist in the show - to make the definitive version of the AMV I made 16 years ago. I hope you enjoy it.

    [This is a anti-Calumon AMV. There will be no Calumon here, even when it's unnecessary.]

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