Video Information


  • Member: Bauzi
  • Studio: [LGS] Lazy Generation Studios
  • Title: Onirica (Dreamscapes)
  • Premiered: 2023-09-02
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Kid Francescoli Moon
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Theme:
    The everyday life is often gray, oppressive, and monotonous due to the given circumstances. Children and creative individuals escape into relaxing, joyful, life-affirming fantasy worlds in their thoughts. It's a getaway from reality, constraints, and conformity. Some discover themselves in the process, becoming less lonely and more empowered in real life.

    "Onirica" is derived from the word "oneiric," which relates to dreams or resembling a dream. It is often used to describe something dreamlike, fantastical, or related to dreams and imagination. In your provided text, the term "Fantasiewelten" could be translated as "dream worlds" or "fantasy realms," which aligns with the concept of "Onirica."

    Making of notes:
    AI technology came in fast in 2022 and for me personally it was clear, that my next main project needs to revolve around this exciting technology. However at it turns out things are developing fast and are getting tiresome. I remember a time, when Bard, ChatGPT-4 and Midijourney 5 were announced right at the same times. Keeping up with burned me out. You need a full time job on this and maybe even then you only specialize in one area. Also when a lot of the smaller tasks get done by AI, you are left with all the creative work. Constantly being creative and original burns you out, while at the same time you sometimes battle with errors and bad images, that AI gives you.

    That's why I felt it was time to try out my first collab between AMV editors, after a raw cut was finished. I joined up with my coworker Arcothy to battle this challenge together. This was probably the best choice for this input. Together there were enough creative power to pull this off. Also we added up pretty nicely. The cut got better, the scene selection more interesting and there were great ideas on how to implement AI into pictures. Refining effects, masks and scenes got more important as well. We worked together via Adobe Cloud Team Projects, which was not as smooth as we first thought, but after a bumpy start it was alright.

    So what's left was to get AI work in anime and video. Of course there are possible DeForum animation videos, but they were not easily to control and will always have that certain look to them. Runway was at Gen-1 stage and the costs for AI video generation were simply too high and too gimmicky. What's left were still image generation and implementing them in video. StableDiffussion with the use of different AI models and LORAs gave pleasing results. I felt we had more control over things in comparison to MidJourney or Firefly. Arcothy made it work via Ebsynth or Adobe Generative Fills and I often took the time to give it a well touch up in After Effects or Premiere Pro.

    What I really enjoyed was applying abstract Color via ControlNet to scenes. Some scenes turned out really good. Others need lot's of prework with masks, tracking or color layers. The use of various overlay techniques and stock videos helped integrating the images a lot! This and Adobe Generative Fill will highly return in my future projects.
    The crazy thing about the technology is, that everything is so fast. A few months later things would look differently, because tech improved or new workflows came out. I hope that this video will not look too dated. Only time will tell. AMVs can be truly timeless works, but this will probably not be one of them.

    Thanks a lot to Arcothy for truly immerse into the project and making it possible by giving his best!

    Here is the full AI effect breakdown of scenes:
    (read it on pastebin here:

    Frame interpolation (Flowframes)

    00:51:00 - 00:56:00
    Partial background video asset generation via DeForum

    Asset generation via NijiJourney (Egg)

    01:01:00 - 01:05:00
    Partial background video asset generation via DeForum

    Stable Diffusion with LORA and Adobe Generative Fill integrated via EbSynth

    Asset genertion via Adobe Firefly (Bubble)

    IMG2IMG with Stable Diffussion with LORA and Adobe Generative Fill integrated via EbSynth

    Background video asset generation via DeForum

    IMG2IMG batch animation via Stable Diffussion (subtle changes in Background)

    01:48:00 - 01:54:00
    Stable Diffusion with LORA and Adobe Generative Fill integrated via EbSynth

    IMG2IMG with Stable Diffussion and Adobe Generative Fill

    Background video asset generation via DeForum

    Colour Transformation via ControlNet

    IMG2IMG with Stable Diffussion with LORA and Adobe Generative Fill

    IMG2IMG with Stable Diffussion with LORA and Adobe Generative Fill

    02:10:00 - 02:41:00
    Colour Transformation via ControlNet. Partialy integrated via EbSynth

    IMG2IMG with Stable Diffussion with LORA and Adobe Generative Fill

    Adobe Generative Fill

    IMG2IMG with Stable Diffussion with LORA and Adobe Generative Fill integrated via EbSynth

    Background image asset generation via Stable Diffussion IMG2IMG (Inpaint)

    03:16:00 - 03:20:00
    Colour Transformation via ControlNet

    Adobe Generative Fill (Flowers)

    Background video asset generation via DeForum

    Adobe Generative Fill (sides and top third of the image)

    Adobe Generative Fill integrated via EbSynth (Hearts). Animated via After Effects

    03:40:00 - 03:50:00
    Colour Transformation via ControlNet

    Adobe Generative Fill integrated via EbSynth (Orb basis, part of grass, background lights)

    03:52:00 - 03:55:00
    Colour Transformation via ControlNet

    Adobe Generative Fill (picture)

    Adobe Generative Fill (planets)

    Adobe Generative Fill integrated via EbSynth

    Shorter version of song made with help of Premiere Pro Beta - Essential Sounds
    Various scenes got upscaled or cleaned with video AI

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