Video Information


  • Member: TnAdct1
  • Studio: Toon Addict Productions
  • Title: Mentos the Frog Slayer
  • Premiered: 2023-10-28
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Mentos The Freshmaker (Commercial)
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Mentos the Frog Slayer is one of those ideas that came when it came to brainstorming ideas for AMV Hell 8 segments. One of the more common methods I have when coming up with ideas for these types of videos usually involves me either watching or reading about the most recent episodes of shows that are currently airing in Japan. In the case of this video, the idea stemmed from me learning about an incident from "Reborn as a Vending Machine, I Now Wander the Dungeon" (a show that had me consider taking a photo of any time of vending machine in the DC area and claim that it's someone doing a cosplay the show's main character, Boxxo, for Otakon). Early on in the show, Boxxo and his main human companion, Lammis, get involved in a hunt for various frog monsters which culminates in a battle against the fiery king frog. During this situation, Boxxo comes up with a plan to subdue it via a combination of Mentos and diet soda and, after turning himself into a candy dispenser, is able to get this plan across to Lammis, allowing her and some fellow hunters to weaken it, allowing for it to be killed. As someone who grew up in the 1990's, I just knew that this would make for a perfect spoof of those Mentos ads that aired back in the time.

    While AMV Hell 8 was on my mind when the idea came out, a couple of factors led to Mentos the Frog Slayer being released as its own video. The first is the idea that someone else may have a similar idea and thus would release their version before AMV Hell 8. The second factor is that I knew that "Attack of the Minimaxers" may be too inappropriate for some conventions and that by releasing Mentos as its own video, I would have something to submit to conventions during the winter and spring seasons (as long as the contest either has a rule allow for a 30 second video in the parody category or has a section for short videos).

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