Video Information


  • Member: TekkaRepliroid Zero
  • Title: D-Boy, Destiny Boy
  • Premiered: 2001-05-26
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Scooter No Fate
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: Just like Kyoudaigenka, this is another Scooter-Tekkaman Blade combination. These two mix VERY well IMO, and I believe there will be more of this combination in the future >=D.

    This was one of my best concepts (to me), and also one of the ideas I've had on the drawing boards for the longest time. Ironically there are still things that I would have changed after the video was made. But it turned out really well, except we didn't get to finish the audio editing because of time constraints and deadlines. Visually, everything was in order. The timing, compared to my previous two videos, showed great improvement. This was my first video working with lyrics. The previous two were both non-lyrical pieces of music, so this was a new challenge for me. I took it too literally at some points.
    The big problem with this video though, is that the full effect won't be received by most. This is because few are familiar enough with the anime to get it, as it is drawing parallels on conflicts between characters in Tekkaman Blade TV series (which was butchered completely over here as Teknoman) and Tekkaman Blade II, which isn't very successful over here because of the botch of Teknoman. This is a shame, not because the full effect of this video isn't gonna be delivered effectively, but because the Japanese version of the TV series rocks! This isn't going to stop me from making Tekkaman Blade videos in the future though =P. The video still delivers good energy, and that is the point (it will be the experts who catch the lyrical references).
    This video competed at Anime North 2001. It was not a winner, but it did get one of the loudest applauds out of the non-winners. I got strong compliments on the timing.
    This video was made possible thanx to one of my best friends, who's a student in a Broadcasting Program (and we were working off of SVHS source copied straight from the LDs). We'll call him Ferio (the big CLAMP fan that he is). This was a joint effort and both our names went on the video in competition. Hopefully we'll team up again ^_^.

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