Video Information


  • Member: Fluxmeister
  • Title: Images
  • Premiered: 2004-02-10
  • Categories:
  • Song:
    • Coldplay Politik
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Composition: Video Clips & Music

    Quick Description: Sentimental A look at the relationship between Claus and Lavie and the world around them. Lots of stills. If you want to avoid a slower video... go get something else.

    Spoilers: Nope

    Video content notes:

    1 - This video differs greatly from my standard. I always like trying new styles and ideas.
    This is not an action-blast-o-rama video. I think of this video as fairly simple.

    2 - The idea of images comes directly from the anime. I wanted to borrow the idea from the
    pictures Claus shows Al in the series. I decided to create my own aged pictures to give a
    sentimental look back at the kinds of emotions Claus, Lavie, and others have shared together.

    3 - The shutter like effect used throughout the video (moving stills) seemed appropriate to
    accent the importance of the images. If you are expecting beat hits then this will definitely
    seem odd to you. :P

    4 - I waited for the second dvd to be released... seeing how the first did not offer enough
    footage to complete my idea. This also helps to avoid spoilers... ... and even better, does
    not blatantly give away too much, if any, of the plot.

    5 - The song used in the intro is "To The Race" on the Last Exile OST.

    6 - I left Al out of the video to center on Claus and Lavie. I think she might have added a bit too much in the way of cuteness. :P The soldier seemed much more appropriate for the realization of the "real" world from which Claus and Lavie have been mostly sheltered.

    7 - I let some lip flap slide ... and edited some out. I didn't think it was too distracting and was not willing to give up the scenes with it due to their impact.

    8 - This video won "Best Technical" in AWA10 Expo contest.

    Special Thanks to: Beowulf, AbsoluteDestiny, dokidoki, and Miraba

    Technical notes:

    1 - 24 fps -> 23.976 (what a pain!!!) (again... this is my second video with 23.976)

    2 - I had to *tweak* and re-edit the video after coming to the conclusion that my audio
    conversion was not working out correctly! So the entire time I was editing with 29.97/23.976
    audio... definitely messed up when it came time to switch from 24->23.976...

    3 - I did use After Effects for this video... can you figure out where it was used?

    4 - The quality of the final scene of the table is not perfect. Xvid did not do as well as I would have
    liked... but I think it still gets the point across ok.

    ... if I think of anything else I will add it ...

    Enjoy the Video! =)

    Download Note:
    The first direct link is larger as it is a 720x480 version of the video. The second link is 480x320 and a bit more conservative on the size. The Local link has the 720x480 version.

Opinions (58)

  • Orig
  • Visual
  • Sound
  • Synch
  • Lip
  • Effects
  • Effort
  • Re-View
  • Overall
  • 9.61
  • 9.89
  • 9.72
  • 9.22
  • 9.37
  • 9.57
  • 9.00
  • 9.41
