Video Information


  • Member: ssgwnbtd
  • Title: The Gay Bar Song
  • Premiered: not yet
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • Colorfinger The Gay Bar Song
  • Anime:
  • Comments: Cpu: P2 333 Mhz, 128 MB RAM
    Software: Adobe Premiere
    Source: Random Internet Clips from a Friend (Dave Wasacz)
    Editing Time: forgot ~5 hrs
    Will remake using DVD source someday, require lipstick bi's for inspiration.

    Errors include: bad clip quality and sound quality at 22khz instead of 44khs :P stupid mistake.

    So I'm like really bored one day and I'm listening to Everclear. I start liking them a lot and download basicly every song Art Alexakis ever sang. So I'm going through and I start listening to The Gay Bar Song.. and I'm like.. jeez why would he sing songs about gay guys breaking up and shit.. and suddenly.. it hits me, "you been runnin' around girl; you been actin' strange.." IT'S A SONG ABOUT LESBIANS. And suddenly my eyes widen with intense joy.
    And then I beg one of my weird friends for Haruka and Michiru clips. He sends a bunch of them. I sort through.. and low and behold.. CLIPS OF THEM WALKING DOWN A STREET!!! And my heart explodes. I nearly wet myself. And I keep going through.. and there's clips of them holding hands and a clips of Michiru goin' postal with the violin.. and then, after dry-cleaning my pants, I make the video.

    Me: "Did you like the video?"
    Dave Wasacz: "It was well matched. Don't care too much for the song though."

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