Video Information


  • Member: Ashyukun
  • Studio: Electric Leech Productions
  • Title: It's All That...
  • Premiered: 2004-05-14
  • Category:
  • Song:
    • Lords of Acid Young Boys (Squeeky Clean Leech Cut)
  • Anime:
  • Participation:
  • Comments: It's All That..." was created specifically for Anime Central's 'Theme' category for 2004- 'Commercials'. Instead of making a parody commercial using anime footage and an existing commercial's audio (though I did think up a number of these), I decided to try something a bit more challenging, and to make an original commercial from the ground up. OK, so I chose something fairly easy to make a commercial for using anime footage. :p But, I think I accomplished what I set out to do. My intent was to make something that you could in theory actually see as a commercial on TV, and I think this would (other than the pesky matter of music licensing...) fit that bill.

    Making this actually required more work on the audio than almost anything else- the main 'song' used had to be extensively cut down to both be the right length and, well, appropriate (track down a copy of the full song... you'll see what I mean -_-;;; ). It also required me to buy and eat a bag of chips for the original audio sfx at the end. I considered recording typing for the beginning, but instead opted for using the original audio from the show, since just regular typing wouldn't sound right on the futuristic system. The clips in the 'showcase' part are all at 100% speed and un-modified outside of filtering and some minor cutting of the scenes to make them fit.

    I have to give much thanks to Jeff Heller (Gambitt of Nightowl Studios), Alan Chase of Red Apple Productions, and's Jbone for their beta-viewing and suggestions toward improving the titling during the showcase segment. The video is much the better for their input.

    Recognition: "It's All That" Received an honorable mention in ACen 2004's 'Theme' category. I'd be more proud of this had there not been so few entries that I was guaranteed to get it. ;)

Opinions (2)
